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  1. Kapitel › Forschung › begutachtet
  2. Its only cannibalism if we’re equals”: Consuming the lesser in hannibal

    Dellwing, M., 01.01.2018, Globalized Eating Cultures: Mediation and Mediatization. Dürrschmidt, J. & Kautt, Y. (Hrsg.). Palgrave Macmillan, S. 289-307 19 S.

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  3. Jazz in Czechoslovakia during the 1950s and 1960s

    Zaddach, W-G., 01.01.2017, Jazz and totalitarianism. Johnson, B. (Hrsg.). New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, S. 114-135 22 S. (Transnational studies in jazz).

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  4. Erschienen

    Joseph beuys: Gastrosophical aesthetics

    Lemke, H., 01.01.2017, The Taste of Art: Cooking, Food, and Counterculture in Contemporary Practices. Bottinelli, S. & Valva, M. D. (Hrsg.). The University of Arkansas Press, S. 247-299 53 S.

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  5. Jugendleben in stationären Erziehungshilfen Perspektiven von Jugendlichen und Fachkräften im Vergleich

    Equit, C., 16.09.2020, Sozialpädagogische Kindheiten und Jugenden. Ritter, B. & Schmidt, F. (Hrsg.). Weinheim: Julius Beltz Verlag, S. 257-273 17 S.

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  6. Jus ad bellum: Crossing borders to wage war against individuals

    Tams, C. J. & Devaney, J. G., 09.03.2016, Legitimacy and Drones: Investigating the Legality, Morality and Efficacy of UCAVs. Barela, S. J. (Hrsg.). London: Taylor and Francis Ltd., S. 25-48 24 S.

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  7. Erschienen

    Key Competencies: Reconciling Means and Ends in Education for Sustainable Consumption

    Fischer, D. & Barth, M., 01.01.2015, Schools for Health and Sustainability: Theory, Research and Practice. Simovska, V. & Mannix McNamara, P. (Hrsg.). Dordrecht: Springer, S. 41-60 20 S.

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  8. Kickback Payments under MiFID: Substantive or procedural standard of unconscionability?

    Halfmeier, A. & Rott, P., 01.01.2010, Unconscionability in European Private Financial Transactions: Protecting the vulnerable. Kenny, M., Devenney, J. & Fox O'Mahony, L. (Hrsg.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 326-349 24 S.

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  9. Erschienen

    Kinder- und Jugendliteratur

    O'Sullivan, E. & Rösler, D., 07.2019, Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft: Literaturdidaktik. Lütge, C. (Hrsg.). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, S. 302-318 17 S. (Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft).

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  10. Erschienen

    Knowledge and social learning for sustainable development

    Siebenhüner, B. & Heinrichs, H., 2010, Environmental Sociology : European perspectives and interdisciplinary challenges. Gross, M. & Heinrichs, H. (Hrsg.). Dordrecht u.a.: Springer, S. 185-199 15 S.

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  11. Knowledge Graph Question Answering Using Graph-Pattern Isomorphism

    Vollmers, D., Jalota, R., Moussallem, D., Topiwala, H., Ngomo, A-C. N. & Usbeck, R., 2021, Further with Knowledge Graphs - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Semantic Systems, SEMANTiCS 2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 6-9, 2021. Alam, M., Groth, P., Boer, V. D., Pellegrini, T., Pandit, H. J., Montiel-Ponsoda, E., Rodríguez-Doncel, V., McGillivray, B. & Meroño-Peñuela, A. (Hrsg.). Netherlands: IOS Press BV, Band 53. S. 103-117 15 S. (Studies on the Semantic Web; Band 53).

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  12. Erschienen


    O'Sullivan, E., 2020, Handbuch Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Kurwinkel, T. & Schmerheim, P. (Hrsg.). Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, S. 334–342 9 S.

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  13. Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren von Produkteinführungen - dargestellt am Beispiel eines Konsumgüterherstellers

    Mann, M., 2003, Zukunftsperspektiven des Marketing - Paradigmenwechsel und Neuakzentuierungen: Festschrift anlässlich der Emeritierung von Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans Hörschgen. Rabe, C. & Lieb, J. (Hrsg.). 1 Aufl. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot GmbH, S. 207-231 25 S. (Betriebswirtschaftliche Schriften; Band 156).

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  14. Erschienen

    Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschullehre. Kurzinterviews mit Lehrenden verschiedener Hochschulen: Prof. Dr. Dana-Kristin Mah.

    Mah, D-K., 2024, Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschullehre: Entwicklungen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten digitaler Technologien im Hochschulalltag. Dittler, U. & Kreidl, C. (Hrsg.). Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag

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  15. Landscape models for use in studies of landscape change and habitat fragmentation

    Lindenmayer, D. & Fischer, J., 15.04.2008, Managing and Designing Landscapes for Conservation: Moving from Perspectives to Principles. Lindenmayer, D. & Hobbs, R. (Hrsg.). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc., S. 35-48 14 S.

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  16. Law-making in complex processes: Theworld court and the modern law of state responsibility

    Tams, C. J., 01.01.2015, Sovereignty, Statehood and State Responsibility: Essays in Honour of James Crawford. Chinkin, C. & Beatens, F. (Hrsg.). Cambridge University Press, S. 287-306 20 S.

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  17. Erschienen

    Law relating to Remote Sensing - Earth Observation

    Smith, L. J. & Doldirina, C., 10.11.2016, Routledge Handbook of Space Law. Jakhu, R. S. & Dempsey, P. S. (Hrsg.). 1 Aufl. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, S. 241-267 27 S. 13. (Routledge Handbooks).

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  18. Erschienen

    LCSA in the regions - state of the art, mainstreaming conditions and upscaling approaches

    Valdivia, S., Cano-Londoño, N. A., Rojas, I. & Sonnemann, G., 23.04.2024, Handbook on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment. Valdivia, S. & Sonnemann, G. (Hrsg.). Edward Elgar Publishing, S. 393-408 16 S.

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  19. Erschienen

    Lean Social Media Communication Strategies for SMEs: Exploring the Field of Risk-Adjusted Lean Social Media Communication Strategies in the Context of the Lean Startup Method for SMEs

    Kizilkan, K. & Wagenknecht, M., 06.11.2023, De Gruyter Handbook of SME Entrepreneurship. Dabić, M. & Kraus, S. (Hrsg.). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, S. 201-239 39 S. (De Gruyter Handbooks in Business, Economics and Finance).

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  20. Learning about Relevance Concerning Cultural and Gender Differences in Chemistry Education

    Mamlok-Naaman, R., Abels, S. J. & Markic, S., 01.01.2015, Relevant Chemistry Education: From theory to practice . Eilks, I. & Hofstein, A. (Hrsg.). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, S. 219-240 22 S.

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  21. Erschienen

    Learning from entrepreneurial failure: Integrating emotional, motivational, and cognitive factors

    Seckler, C., Funken, R. & Gielnik, M. M., 01.01.2017, Autonomous Learning in the Workplace. Ellingson, J. E. & Noe, R. A. (Hrsg.). New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, S. 54-77 24 S. (SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series).

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  22. Erschienen

    Learning to rule: Ministerial careers in post-communist democracies

    Fettelschoss, K. & Nikolenyi, C., 17.11.2008, The Selection of Ministers in Europe: Hiring and Firing. Dowding, K. & Dumont, P. (Hrsg.). Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, S. 204-227 24 S.

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  23. Learning to say 'you' in German: The acquisition of sociolinguistic competence in a study abroad context

    Barron, A., 18.01.2006, Language Learners in Study Abroad Contexts. DuFon, M. A. & Churchill, E. (Hrsg.). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters , S. 59-88 30 S. (Second language Acquisition; Band 15).

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  24. Erschienen

    Legal Aspects of Commercial Utilisation of the International Space Station – a German Perspective

    Smith, L. J., 01.01.2006, The International Space Station: Commercial Utilisation from a European Legal Perspective. Brus, M. M. T. A. & von der Dunk, F. G. (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Leiden: Nijhoff Publishers, S. 153-179 27 S. (Studies in Space Law; Band 1).

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  25. Erschienen

    Legal aspects of ground-based infrastructure for space situational awareness

    Batura, O. & Peldszus, R., 09.06.2023, Routledge Handbook of Commercial Space Law. Smith, L. J., Baumann, I. & Wintermuth, S-G. (Hrsg.). Taylor and Francis Inc., S. 490-500 11 S.

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  26. Erschienen

    Legal aspects of local engagement: Land planning and citizens‘ financial participation in wind energy projects

    Maly, C., 26.12.2014, Renewable Energy Law in the EU: Legal Perspectives on Bottom Up Approaches. Peeters, M. & Schomerus, T. (Hrsg.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, S. 210-231 22 S. (New horizons in environmental and energy law).

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  27. Erschienen

    Legal aspects of satellite navigation

    Smith, L. J., 01.01.2015, Handbook of Space Law. von der Dunk, F. (Hrsg.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, S. 554-617 64 S. ( Research handbooks in international law).

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  28. Erschienen

    Legal regimes for regional climate protection and the protection of the seas as dominant topics in international environmental policy and law-conclusion

    Sanden, J. & Verheyen, R., 07.08.2015, Legal Regimes for Environmental Protection: Governance for Climate Change and Ocean Resources. Koch, H-J., König, D., Sanden, J. & Verheyen, R. (Hrsg.). Brill Rodopi, S. 341-344 4 S.

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  29. Erschienen

    Legislating for spaceports, commercial space markets, and space tourism

    Smith, L. J., Leishman, R. & Thompson, A., 09.06.2023, Routledge Handbook of Commercial Space Law. Smith, L. J., Baumann, I. & Wintermuth, S-G. (Hrsg.). Taylor and Francis Inc., S. 361-382 22 S.

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  30. Erschienen

    Linking genetics and ecology: reconstructing the history of relict populations of an endangered semi-aquatic beetle

    Matern, A., Drees, C., Vogler, A. P. & Aßmann, T., 2010, Relict species: Phylogeography and conservation biology. Habel, J. C. & Aßmann, T. (Hrsg.). Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer, S. 253-265 13 S.

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  31. Erschienen

    Liquid Democracy and the Futures of Governance

    Ramos, J., 2015, The Future Internet: Alternative Visions. Winter, J. & Ono, R. (Hrsg.). Cham: Springer, S. 173-191 19 S. (Public Administration and Information Technology; Band 17).

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  32. Erschienen

    Litigation without end? The deutsche telekom case and the german approach to private enforcement of securities law

    Halfmeier, A., 27.05.2016, Class Actions in Context: How Culture, Economics and Politics Shape Collective Litigation. Hensler, D., Hodges, C. & Tzankova, I. (Hrsg.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, S. 279-298 20 S.

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  33. Erschienen

    Local Investment Schemes for Renewable Energy: A financial perspective

    Holstenkamp, L., 26.12.2014, Renewable Energy Law in the EU: Legal Perspectives on Bottom-up Approaches. Peeters, M. & Schomerus, T. (Hrsg.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, S. 232-255 24 S. 12. (New horizons in environmental and energy law).

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  34. Erschienen

    Logistical futures the chinese dream, debordering labor, and migration

    Altenried, M., Bojadžijev, M. & Wallis, M., 20.12.2021, Fake Hybrid Sites Palimpsest: Essays on Leakages. Dutta, M. & Heidenreich, N. (Hrsg.). DE GRUYTER Poland, S. 158-172 15 S.

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  35. Erschienen

    Logistical Potentials of Load Balancing via the Build-up and Reduction of Stock

    Heuer, T., Maier, J. T., Busse, T. D., Schmidt, M. & Nyhuis, P., 2021, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2021: 13 - 16 December 2021. Piscataway: IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., S. 264-269 6 S. (2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2021).

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  36. Erschienen

    Long-Range and Regional Atmospheric Transport of POPs and Implications for Global Cycling

    Hageman, K., Bogdal, C. & Scheringer, M., 01.03.2015, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Analytical Techniques, Environmental Fate and Biological Effects. Zeng, E. (Hrsg.). 1 Aufl. Elsevier B.V., Band 67. S. 363-387 25 S. (Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry; Band 67).

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  37. Erschienen

    Love in Paramyth: On Rilke's Figuration of the Orpheus Myth

    Jamme, C., 20.06.2019, Rilke's SONNETS TO ORPHEUS: PHILOSOPHICAL AND CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES. Vandegrift Eldridge, H. & Fischer, L. (Hrsg.). 1 Aufl. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Band 1. S. 178-193 16 S. 6.

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  38. Erschienen

    Low-Profit im Kontext der UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele

    Fahrbach, C. & Weiser, A., 2021, Wirtschaft neu lehren: Erfahrungen aus der pluralen, sozioökonomischen Hochschulbildung. Urban, J., Schröder, L-M., Hantke, H. & Bäuerle, L. (Hrsg.). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, S. 107-124 18 S. (Sozioökonomische Bildung und Wissenschaft).

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  39. Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys

    Sillekens, W. H. & Hort, N., 12.04.2013, Structural Materials and Processes in Transportation. Lehmhus, D., Busse, M., Herrmann, A. S. & Kayvantash, K. (Hrsg.). Wiley-VCH Verlag, S. 113-150 38 S.

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  40. Magnesium (Mg) corrosion: A challenging concept for degradable implants

    Witte, F., Hort, N., Feyerabend, F. & Vogt, C., 03.2011, Corrosion of Magnesium Alloys. Song, G-L. (Hrsg.). Elsevier Inc., S. 403-425 23 S.

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  41. Magnús eiríksson: An opponent of martensen and an unwelcome ally of kierkegaard

    Schreiber, G., 28.11.2009, Volume 7, Tome II: Kierkegaard and His Danish Contemporaries - Theology. Stewart, J. (Hrsg.). Taylor and Francis Inc., Band 7. S. 49-94 46 S.

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  42. Mainstreaming investment-labour linkage through 'mega-regional' trade agreements

    Gött, H. & Holterhus, T. P., 21.02.2018, Labour Standards in International Economic Law. Gött, H. (Hrsg.). Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, S. 233-271 39 S.

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  43. Erschienen

    Mainstreaming Peace Studies in African Higher Learning Institutions: Lessons from Tanzania

    Mutalemwa, G. & Trochemowitz, S., 2022, Peace Studies for Sustainable Development in Africa: Conflicts and Peace Oriented Conflict Resolution. Spiegel, E., Mutalemwa, G., Liu, C. & Kurtz, L. R. (Hrsg.). Springer Nature AG, S. 299-321 23 S. (Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development).

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  44. Erschienen

    Making Collective Learning Coherent: An Adaptive Approach to the Practice of Transdisciplinary Pedagogy

    Clarke, E. & Ashhurst, C., 01.01.2018, Transdisciplinary Theory, Practice and Education: The Art of Collaborative Research and Collective Learning. Fam, D., Neuhauser, L. & Gibbs, P. (Hrsg.). 1 Aufl. Cham: Springer, Band 1. S. 151-165 15 S.

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  45. Erschienen

    Management Education for Sustainability: Deriving learning formats from competence requirements

    Hesselbarth, C., Buhr, M. & Schaltegger, S., 24.08.2015, Sustainability in Higher Education. Davim, J. P. (Hrsg.). Waltham: Elsevier B.V., S. 21-49 29 S. (Chandos information professional series).

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  46. Erschienen

    Managerial insights: Leadership made in Germany: Low on compassion, high on performance

    Brodbeck, F. C., Frese, M. & Javidan, M., 15.04.2015, International Management: Insights from Fiction and Practice. Puffer, S. M. (Hrsg.). Taylor and Francis Inc., S. 192-202 11 S.

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  47. Erschienen

    Managing CSR Communication

    Schoeneborn, D. & Girschik, V., 09.08.2021, Handbook of Management Communication. Cooren, F. & Stücheli-Herlach, P. (Hrsg.). DE GRUYTER Poland, S. 443-458 16 S. (Handbooks of Applied Linguistics (HAL); Band 16).

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  48. Managing Global Production Networks: Towards Social Responsibility via Inter-organizational Reliability?

    Schüßler, E., Sydow, J. & Helfen, M., 03.02.2022, The Relational View of Economics : A New Research Agenda for the Study of Relational Transactions. Biggiero, L., de Jongh, D., Priddat, B., Wieland, J., Zicari, A. & Fischer, D. (Hrsg.). Cham: Springer Schweiz, S. 133-158 26 S. (Relational Economics and Organization Governance (REOG)).

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  49. Erschienen

    Managing (in) times of uncertainty: the effects of leadership sensemaking on employee well-being in dynamic business environments

    Eller, F. J., Fischer, S. & Diedrich, L., 01.01.2016, Healthy at Work : Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Wiencke, M., Cacace, M. & Fischer, S. (Hrsg.). Schweiz: Springer International Publishing AG, S. 127-137 11 S.

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  50. Erschienen

    Managing Sustainability Performance Measurement and Reporting in an Integrated Manner: Sustainability Accounting as the Link Between the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard and Sustainability Reporting

    Schaltegger, S. & Wagner, M., 2006, Sustainability Accounting and Reporting. Schaltegger, S., Bennett, M. & Burritt, R. (Hrsg.). Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media, S. 681-697 17 S. (Eco-Efficiency in industry and science; Band 21).

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  51. Erschienen

    Manufacturing as a challenge in Industry 4.0 process

    Mercorelli, P., Nemati, H. & Zhu, Q., 01.01.2024, Modeling, Identification, and Control for Cyber- Physical Systems Towards Industry 4.0. Mercorelli, P., Zhang, W., Nemati, H. & Zhang, Y. (Hrsg.). Academic Press Inc., S. 15-17 3 S.

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  52. Erschienen

    Mathematics teachers’ domain-specific professional knowledge: conceptualization and test construction in COACTIV

    Krauss, S., Blum, W., Brunner, M., Neubrand, M., Baumert, J., Kunter, M., Besser, M. & Elsner, J., 01.01.2013, Cognitive activation in the mathematics classroom and professional competence of teachers: Results from the COACTIV Project. Kunter, M., Baumert, J., Blum, W., Klusmann, U., Krauss, S. & Neubrand, M. (Hrsg.). Boston: Springer, S. 147-174 28 S. (Mathematics Teacher Education; Band 8).

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  53. Erschienen

    Mecanum wheel slip detection model implemented on velocity-controlled drives

    Gilfillan, C. L., van Niekerk, T., Mercorelli, P. & Sergiyenko, O., 01.01.2024, Modeling, Identification, and Control for Cyber- Physical Systems Towards Industry 4.0. Mercorelli, P., Zhang, W., Nemati, H. & Zhang, Y. (Hrsg.). Elsevier, S. 199-213 15 S.

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  54. Media coverage of discourse on adaptation: competing visions of “success” in the Indian context

    Boykoff, M., Ghosh, A. & Venkateswaran, K., 01.01.2013, Successful Adaptation to Climate Change: Linking Science and Policy in a Rapidly Changing World. Moser, S. & Boykoff, M. (Hrsg.). United States: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, S. 237-252 16 S.

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  55. Erschienen

    Medialization of science as a prerequisite of its legitimization and political relevance

    Peters, H. P., Heinrichs, H., Jung, A., Kallfass, M. & Petersen, I., 2008, Communicating Science in Social Contexts: New Models, New Practices. Cheng, D., Claessens, M., Gascoigne, T., Metcalfe, J., Schiele, B. & Shi, S. (Hrsg.). Dodrecht: Springer Netherlands, S. 71-92 22 S.

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  56. Erschienen

    Medialization of Touristic Reality: The Berlin Wall Revisited

    Saretzki, A., 28.06.2010, Tourism and Visual Culture: Vol. 2: Methods and Cases. Burns, P., Lester, J-A. & Bibbings, L. (Hrsg.). Wallingford: CAB International, Band 2. S. 13-23 11 S.

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  57. Erschienen

    Median based algorithm as an entropy function for noise detection in wavelet trees for data reconciliation

    Mercorelli, P., 01.01.2012, New Developments in Mathematics Research. Clarke, N. L. & Ronson, A. P. (Hrsg.). Nova Science Publishers, Inc., S. 85-104 20 S. (Mathematics Research Developments).

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  58. Median based algorithm as an entropy function for noise detectionin wavelet trees for data reconciliation

    Mercorelli, P., 2011, New Developments in Mathematics Research. Clarke, N. L. & Ronson, A. P. (Hrsg.). Nova Science Publishers, Inc., S. 85-104 20 S.

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  59. Angenommen/Im Druck


    Hardjowirogo, S-I., 12.2027, Musik und Medien. Großmann, R. & Ungeheuer, E. (Hrsg.). Laaber Verlag, (Kompendien Musik; Band 15).

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  60. Member States as 'Rambos' in EU Asylum Politics: The Case of Permanent Refugee Quotas

    Zaun, N., 2019, The New Asylum and Transit Countries in Europe during and in the Aftermath of the 2015/2016 Crisis. Stoyanova, V. & Karageorgiou, E. (Hrsg.). Brill | Nijhoff, S. 211-232 22 S. (International Refugee Law Series; Band 13).

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  61. Mental representation of global environmental risks

    Böhm, G. & Pfister, H-R., 2001, Environmental risks: Perception, Evaluation and Management. Böhm, G., Nerb, J., McDaniels, T. & Spada, H. (Hrsg.). Amsterdam [u.a.]: JAI Press, S. 1-30 30 S. (Research in Social Problems and Public Policy; Band 9).

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  62. Erschienen

    Metabolites and Transformation Products of Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment as Contaminants of Emerging Concern

    Michael, I., Vasquez Hadjilyra, M. I., Hapeshi, E., Haddad, T., Baginska, E., Kümmerer, K. & Fatta-Kassinos, D., 01.01.2014, Transformation Products of Emerging Contaminants in the Environment: Analysis, Processes, Occurrence, Effects and Risks. Lambropoulou, D. A. & Nollet, L. M. (Hrsg.). Chichester: Wiley-VCH Verlag, S. 413-458 46 S.

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  63. Methane mitigation

    Kemfert, C., Schill, W. P., Anthoff, D., Johansson, D. J. A. & Hedenus, F., 09.09.2010, Smart Solutions to Climate Change: Comparing Costs and Benefits. Lomborg, B. (Hrsg.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 172-221 50 S.

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  64. Methodologies for noise and gross error detection using univariate signal-based approaches in industrial applications

    Mercorelli, P., 2011, Fault Detection: Theory, Methods and Systems. Simon, L. M. (Hrsg.). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., S. 177-223 47 S. (Engineering tools, techniques and tables).

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  65. Microstructural and Mechanical Aspects of Reinforcement Welds for Lightweight Components Produced by Friction Hydro Pillar Processing

    Pinheiro, G., Dos Santos, J., Hort, N. & Kainer, K. U., 03.03.2014, Essential Readings in Magnesium Technology. Mathaudhu, S. N., Luo, A. A., Neelameggham, N. R., Nyberg, E. A. & Sillekens, W. H. (Hrsg.). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia, S. 499-504 6 S.

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  66. Migrationskontrolle durch Flüchtlingsschutz? Die Rolle des UNHCR im Kontext der Externalisierung des europäischen Migrationsregimes

    Ratfisch, P. & Scheel, S., 01.07.2010, Grenzregime: Diskurse, Praktiken, Institutionen in Europa. Hess, S. & Kasparek, B. (Hrsg.). Berlin: Assoziation A, S. 89-110 22 S.

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  67. Erschienen
  68. Erschienen

    Mindfulness As/Is Care: Biopolitics, Narrative Empathy, and Technoscientific Practices

    Stingl, A. I. & Weiss, S. M., 21.03.2014, The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Mindfulness. Le, A., Ngnoumen, C. T. & Langer, E. J. (Hrsg.). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia, Band 1-2. S. 608-629 22 S.

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  69. Erschienen

    Mindfulness at work: How mindfulness training may change the way we work

    Rupprecht, S. & Walach, H., 01.01.2016, Healthy at Work: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Wiencke, M., Cacase, M. & Fischer, S. (Hrsg.). Springer International Publishing AG, S. 311-327 17 S.

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  70. Erschienen

    Mind, mousse and moderation: New Approaches to Psychology and Interaction

    Potter, J. & Puchta, C., 12.07.2007, Discursive research in practice: new approaches to psychology and interaction. Hepburn, A. & Wiggins, S. (Hrsg.). 1 Aufl. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 104-124 21 S.

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  71. Erschienen

    Modeling a modular omnidirectional AGV developmental platform with integrated suspension and power-plant

    Macfarlane, A. B. S., van Niekerk, T., Becker, U. & Mercorelli, P., 01.01.2024, Modeling, Identification, and Control for Cyber- Physical Systems Towards Industry 4.0. Mercorelli, P., Zhang, W., Nemati, H. & Zhang, Y. (Hrsg.). Academic Press Inc., S. 151-168 18 S.

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  72. Erschienen

    Modeling Effective and Ineffective Knowledge Communication and Learning Discourses in CSCL with Hidden Markov Models

    Berwe, T., Oehl, M. & Pfister, H-R., 01.01.2010, Advances in Applied Digital Human Modeling . Duffy, V. G. (Hrsg.). Boca Raton: CRC Press, S. 549-558 10 S. (Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series).

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  73. Erschienen

    Modeling Interactions and Dependencies in Production Planning and Control: An Approach for a Systematic Description

    Mütze, A., Lebbing, S., Hillnhagen, S., Schmidt, M. & Nyhuis, P., 04.03.2023, Smart, Sustainable Manufacturing in an Ever-Changing World: Proceedings of International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA ’22) . von Leipzig, K., Sacks, N. & Clelland, M. M. (Hrsg.). Cham: Springer Schweiz, S. 31-44 14 S. (Lecture Notes in Production Engineering; Band Part F1162).

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  74. Modeling the low-carbon transformation in Europe: Developing paths for the European energy system until 2050

    Löffler, K., Burandt, T., Hainsch, K., Kemfert, C., Oei, P. Y. & von Hirschhausen, C., 24.12.2018, Energiewende "Made in Germany": Low Carbon Electricity Sector Reform in the European Context. Hirschhausen, C. V., Gerbaulet, C., Kemfert, C., Lorenz, C. & Oei, P-Y. (Hrsg.). Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, S. 345-374 30 S.

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  75. Erschienen

    Moderators of the ego depletion effect

    Loschelder, D. D. & Friese, M., 23.08.2016, Self-Regulation and Ego Control. Hirt, E. R., Clarkson, J. J. & Jia, L. (Hrsg.). 1 Aufl. London: Academic Press Inc., S. 21-42 22 S.

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  76. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Produktlinienanalysen und Ökobilanzen im Gesundheitswesen

    Kümmerer, K., 12.04.1994, Umweltschutz in Klinik und Praxis. Daschner, F. (Hrsg.). Berlin: Springer, S. 53-61 9 S.

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  77. Money and finance: An overview of strategies for social-ecological transformation in the field of money and finance and the case of the Austrian Cooperative for the Common Good

    Aigner, E., Buczko, C., Cahen-Fourot, L. & Schneider, C., 2022, Degrowth & strategy: how to bring about social-ecological transformation. Barlow, N., Regen, L., Cadiou, N., Chertkovskaya, E., Hollweg, M., Plank, C., Schulken, M. & Wolf, V. (Hrsg.). London: Mayfly Books, S. 351-374 24 S.

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  78. Erschienen

    Monitoring mental stressors at work with the work health audit instrument factors: Results of validation studies

    Fischer, S., Kleinlercher, K. M. & Rössler, W., 01.01.2016, Healthy at Work: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Wiencke, M., Cacace, M. & Fischer, S. (Hrsg.). Springer International Publishing AG, S. 283-298 16 S.

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  79. Erschienen

    More effective natural resource management through participatory governance? Taking stock of the conceptual and empirical literature – and moving forward

    Newig, J., 31.08.2012, Environmental governance: The challenge of legitimacy and effectiveness. Hogl, K., Kvarda, E., Nordbeck, R. & Pregernig, M. (Hrsg.). Cheltenham et al.: Edward Elgar Publishing, S. 46-68 23 S.

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  80. More Foxes in the Boardroom: Systems Thinking in Action

    Gomez, P. & Meynhardt, T., 01.11.2012, Systemic Management for Intelligent Organizations: Concepts, Models-Based Approaches and Applications. Grösser, S. N. & Zeier, R. (Hrsg.). 1 Aufl. Berlin: Springer, S. 83-98 16 S. (Extra materials).

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  81. Erschienen

    Motion and control of autonomous unmanned aerial systems as a challenge in Industry 4.0 process

    Mercorelli, P., Nemati, H. & Zhu, Q., 01.01.2024, Modeling, Identification, and Control for Cyber- Physical Systems Towards Industry 4.0. Mercorelli, P., Zhang, W., Nemati, H. & Zhang, Y. (Hrsg.). Academic Press Inc., S. 327-330 4 S.

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  82. Erschienen

    Motion and control of autonomous unmanned aerial systems as a challenge in Industry 4.0 process

    Mercorelli, P., Nemati, H. & Zhu, Q., 01.01.2024, Modeling, Identification, and Control for Cyber- Physical Systems Towards Industry 4.0. Mercorelli, P., Zhang, W., Nemati, H. & Zhang, Y. (Hrsg.). Academic Press Inc., S. 243-245 3 S.

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  83. Erschienen

    Motion control and autonomous robots as a challenge in Industry 4.0 process

    Mercorelli, P., Nemati, H. & Zhu, Q., 01.01.2024, Modeling, Identification, and Control for Cyber- Physical Systems Towards Industry 4.0. Marcorelli, P., Zhang, W., Nemati, H. & Zhang, Y. (Hrsg.). Academic Press Inc., S. 111-114 4 S.

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  84. Erschienen

    Motivations of Global Careers Among Expatriates in German Companies: A Comparison with the Year 2002

    Bader, B., 04.01.2017, Expatriate Management : Transatlantic Dialogues. Bader, B., Schuster, T. & Bader, A. K. (Hrsg.). London: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 1-26 26 S.

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  85. Erschienen

    Moving Ahead: Environmental Sociology’s Contribution to Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research

    Groß, M. & Heinrichs, H., 2010, Environmental Sociology : European Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Challenges. Gross, M. & Heinrichs, H. (Hrsg.). Dordrecht u.a.: Springer, S. 347-351 5 S.

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  86. Moving forward with digital badges in education

    Mah, D-K., Bellin-Mularski, N. & Ifenthaler, D., 01.01.2016, Foundation of Digital Badges and Micro-Credentials: Demonstrating and Recognizing Knowledge and Competencies. Ifenthaler, D., Bellin-Mularski, N. & Mah, D-K. (Hrsg.). Springer International Publishing AG, S. 511-517 7 S.

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  87. Erschienen

    Multibody simulations of distributed flight arrays for Industry 4.0 applications

    Yip, L., Nemati, H., Mercorelli, P. & Zhu, Q., 01.01.2024, Modeling, Identification, and Control for Cyber- Physical Systems Towards Industry 4.0. Mercorelli, P., Zhang, W., Nemati, H. & Zhang, Y. (Hrsg.). Academic Press Inc., S. 247-278 32 S.

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  88. Multidimensional approaches in ecosystem services assessment

    Martínez, A. J. C., García-Llorente, M., Martín-López, B., Palomo, I. & Iniesta-Arandia, I., 18.11.2013, Earth Observation of Ecosystem Services. Alcaraz-Segura, D., Di Bella, C. M. & Straschnoy, J. V. (Hrsg.). Boca Raton: CRC Press, S. 441-468 28 S.

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  89. Erschienen

    Multilingualism in teacher education in Germany: Differences in approaching linguistic diversity in three federal states

    Berkel-Otto, L., Hansen, A., Hammer, S., Lemmrich, S., Schroedler, T. & Uribe, Á., 30.04.2021, Preparing Teachers to Work with Multilingual Learners. Wernicke, M., Hammer, S., Hansen, A. & Schroedler, T. (Hrsg.). Bristol: Multilingual Matters , S. 82-103 22 S. (Bilingual education & bilingualism; Band 130).

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  90. Angenommen/Im Druck

    Multimodality in strategy as practice

    Wenzel, M. & Knight, E., 2023, (Angenommen/Im Druck) Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice. Golsorkhi, D., Rouleau, L., Seidl, D. & Vaara, E. (Hrsg.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 25 S.

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  91. Erschienen

    Multiple Glacial Refuges of Unwinged Ground Beetles in Europe: Molecular Data Support Classical Phylogeographic Models

    Drees, C., Matern, A., Oheimb, G., Reimann, T. & Aßmann, T., 2010, Relict species: Phylogeography and conservation biology. Habel, J. C. & Aßmann, T. (Hrsg.). Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer, S. 199-215 17 S.

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  92. Erschienen

    Multiple goal pursuit

    Sun, S. H. & Frese, M., 01.01.2013, New Developments in goal setting and task performance. Locke, E. & Latham, G. (Hrsg.). 1 Aufl. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, S. 177-194 18 S.

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  93. Erschienen

    Multiple import sourcing: First evidence for German enterprises from manufacturing industries

    Wagner, J., 16.03.2021, Microeconometric Studies of Firms' Imports and Exports: Advanced Methods of Analysis and Evidence from German Enterprises. Wagner, J. (Hrsg.). New Jersey: World Scientific Publishing Co., S. 375-390 16 S.

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  94. Multiterritorialidades campesinas: propuestas desde las zonas de reserva campesina para una construcción plural del estado en Colombia

    Cadavid, M. J., Ortiz-Przychodzka, S., Espinosa, N. & Lastra, C., 2021, Conflictos socioambientales en el Sur Global: respuestas y construcciones locales de otras naturalezas. Quiroga, C. & Uscátegui Ramírez, O. (Hrsg.). 1 Aufl. Bogotá: UNIMINUTO, S. 107-134 28 S.

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  95. Erschienen

    Museums and merchandising

    Toepler, S. & Kirchberg, V., 03.07.2007, Museum marketing: Competing in the Global Marketplace. Rentschler, R. & Hede, A-M. (Hrsg.). Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Scientific Publishing, S. 160-168 9 S.

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  96. Mycorrhizas and Ecological Restoration in South America

    Silva-Flores, P., Neves, M. A., Weidlich, E. W. A., Fajardo, L., Acuña, L., Aguilera, P., Marín, C., Godoy, R., Duarte, M., Cabrera, A. & Santelices, R., 01.12.2022, Mycorrhizal Fungi in South America: Biodiversity, Conservation, and Sustainable Food Production. Lugo, M. A. & Pagano, M. C. (Hrsg.). Springer International Publishing AG, S. 431-443 13 S. (Fungal Biology).

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  97. Erschienen

    Nascent entrepreneurs in German regions: evidence from the Regional Entrepreneurship Monitor (REM)

    Lückgen, I., Oberschachtsiek, D., Sternberg, R. & Wagner, J., 01.01.2006, Entrepreneurship in the region. Fritsch, M. & Schmude, J. (Hrsg.). New York: Springer, S. 7-34 28 S. (International Studies in Entrepreneurship; Band 14).

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  98. Erschienen

    (National) Constitutional Law Limitations on the Advancement of the EU’s Common Commercial Policy

    Terhechte, J., 01.01.2013, Common Commercial Policy after Lisbon: European Yearbook of International Economic Law. Bungenberg, M. & Herrmann, C. (Hrsg.). Heidelberg: Springer, S. 19-28 10 S. (European Yearbook of International Economic Law; Band Special Issue).

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  99. Erschienen

    New methods for the analysis of links between international firm activities and firm performance: A practitioner's guide

    Wagner, J., 25.02.2021, Microeconometric Studies Of Firms Imports And Exports: Advanced Methods Of Analysis And Evidence From German Enterprises. Wagner, J. (Hrsg.). World Scientific Publishing Co., S. 7-24 18 S.

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  100. New Research on the Deep Seabed and Its Resources

    Tams, C. J., 2018, European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2018. Bungenberg, M., Krajewski, M., Tams, C. J., Terhechte, J. P. & Ziegler, A. R. (Hrsg.). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, S. 521-524 4 S. (European Yearbook of International Economic Law; Band 9).

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  101. Erschienen

    Newspapers and the circulation of academic knowledge

    Jung, S., 30.06.2023, Routledge Handbook of Academic Knowledge Circulation. Keim, W., Medina, L. R., Arvanitis, R., Bacolla, N., Basu, C., Dufoix, S., Klein, S., Olarte, M. N., Riedel, B., Ruvituso, C., Saalmann, G., Schlechtriemen, T. & Vessuri, H. (Hrsg.). Taylor and Francis Inc., S. 430-442 13 S.

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