Institute of Mathematics and its Didactics

Organisational unit: Institute

Organisation profile

The Institute of Mathematics and its Didactics prepares students in education programs of study for teaching mathematics in primary, secondary and intermediary schools as well as in vocational schools (in the social pedagogy and business economics majors). Important areas of concentration include the integration of theory and practice in mathematics education through inter- and transdisciplinary research, as well the professionalization of teachers through video-based instructional evaluation and instructor support for solving specific diagnostic assignments.

  1. Pisa-Studie 2012

    Leiss, D.


    Project: Research

  2. KHDM: Kompetenzzentrum "Hochschuldidaktik Mathematik"

    Hochmuth, R. K. & Biehler, R.


    Project: Research

  3. Math-Bridge – European Remedial Content for Mathematics (EU)

    Hochmuth, R. K., Biehler, R., Fischer, P. R. & Wassong, T.


    Project: Research

  4. Schülercampus - Mehr Migranten werden Lehrer

    Webersik, J. & Guder, K.


    Project: Scientific event

  5. VEMINT: Virtuelles Eingangstutorium für MINT-Fächer, früher: VEMA

    Hochmuth, R. K., Biehler, R., Billhardt, B., Bruder, R. & Koepf, W.

    03.03.03 → …

    Project: Practical Project

  6. Nah dran! Die Praxis als Vorbild

    Ehmke, T., Schmidt, T. & Leiss, D.


    Project: Teaching

  7. Orientierungstage 2017/2018

    Guder, K.


    Project: Other

  8. Lernraum Mathematik

    Besser, M., Padberg-Gehle, K. & Weiher, D. F.


    Project: Teaching

  9. Orientierungstage 2019

    Guder, K.


    Project: Other

  10. Elementarmathematik vertiefen

    Ruwisch, S.


    Project: Teaching

  11. Co²CA: Co²CA - Conditions and Consequences of Classroom Asessment

    Bürgermeister, A., Kampa, M., Rakoczy, K., Harks, B., Besser, M., Klieme, E., Blum, W. & Leiss, D.


    Project: Research

  12. The Cultural Dependence of Multiplicative Reasoning

    Ruwisch, S. & Huang, H. E.


    Project: Research

  13. Early-warning signals for sudden changes in dynamical flow patterns

    Padberg-Gehle, K. & Ndour, M.


    Project: Dissertation project