Organisation profile

In our research and teaching, we focus on prerequisites, processes and effects of education, especially in the area of teaching and learning in primary and secondary schools.

In teacher education, we are responsible for pre-service teachers‘ acquisition of pedagogical knowledge in the area of teaching, diagnostics, upbringing and innovation. Throughout the entire Bachelor's and Master's program, we provide students with a competence-, research- and practice-oriented education.

Main research areas

Research Activities

Educational Science, in particular Educational Management and Quality Development

Educational Sciences, in particular Education with Digital Media

Digital Teaching and Learning

Educational Research, in particular Emperical Educational Scienes

Primary school pedagogic

Teacher Education and School Development

  1. 2023
  2. Published

    Fachbezogene Diskurse von DaZ-Lernenden über Kunst: Unterstützung von fachlichem und sprachlich-diskursivem Lernen in dyadischen Settings vor Ort

    Fohr, T., 10.08.2023, In: Info DaF - Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache. 50, 4, p. 356-376 21 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  3. Published
  4. Published

    Analysis of Cognitively Activating Tasks in Vocational Education and Training of Nursing

    Schäfer, M., Wesselborg, B., Weyland, U., Kleinknecht, M., Koschel, W. & Klar, K., 02.08.2023, Trends in vocational education and training research: Vol. VI. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Voca- tional Education and Training Network (VETNET). Nägele, C., Stalder, B. E. & Kersh, N. (eds.). VETNET, Vol. VI. p. 214-223 10 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksArticle in conference proceedingsResearch

  5. Published

    Wirksamkeit von Schulleitung im Hinblick auf das Lernen

    Tulowitzki, P., Pietsch, M. & Köferli, S., 08.2023, Leadership for Learning – gemeinsam Schulen lernwirksam gestalten. Anderegg, N., Knies, A., Jesacher-Rössler, L. & Breitschaft, J. (eds.). Bern: hep, p. 117-131 15 p. (Führung von und in Bildungsorganisationen).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Taking notes as a strategy for solving reality-based tasks in mathematics

    Wienecke, L.-M., Leiss, D. & Ehmke, T., 01.07.2023, In: International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education. 18, 3, 19 p., em0744 .

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    What makes online professional development effective? The effect of quality characteristics on teachers’ satisfaction and changes in their professional practices

    André, M., Kleinknecht, M. & Richter, D., 01.07.2023, In: Computers & Education. 200, 12 p., 104805.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearch

  8. Published

    Dialogic interactions in higher vocational learning environments in mainland China: Evidence relating to the effectiveness of varied teaching strategies and students' learning engagement

    Zhao, Y., Kleinknecht, M. & Ko, J., 27.06.2023, Effective Teaching Around the World: Theoretical, Empirical, Methodological and Practical Insights. Maulana, R., Helms-Lorenz, M. & Klassen, R. M. (eds.). Springer International Publishing AG, p. 207-224 18 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksChapterpeer-review

  9. Published

    Effects of different video- or text-based reflection stimuli on pre-service teachers’ emotions, immersion, cognitive load and knowledge-based reasoning

    Weber, K. E., Prilop, C. N. & Kleinknecht, M., 01.06.2023, In: Studies in Educational Evaluation. 77, 101256.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Humor und wirksame Führung

    Merkert, A. & Götz, K., 19.05.2023, Servant Leadership: Prinzipien dienender Führung in Unternehmen. Stahl, H. K., Linden, E., Hinterhuber, H. H. & Pircher-Friedrich, A. M. (eds.). 3. völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage ed. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, p. 119-128 10 p. (Fokus Management und Führung; vol. 3).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesTransferpeer-review

  11. Published

    On the role of linguistic features for comprehension and learning from STEM texts. A meta-analysis

    Strohmaier, A. R., Ehmke, T., Härtig, H. & Leiss, D., 01.05.2023, In: Educational Research Review. 39, 100533.

    Research output: Journal contributionsScientific review articlesResearch

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