Institute of Educational Sciences
Organisational unit: Institute
- Junior professorship for Digital Teaching and Learning
- Junior professorship for Educational Sciences, in particular Education with Digital Media
- Professorship for Educational Research, in particular Emperical Educational Scienes
- Professorship for Educational Science, in particular Educational Management and Quality Development
- Professorship for Teacher Education and School Development
- Professorship of primary school pedagogic
Organisation profile
In our research and teaching, we focus on prerequisites, processes and effects of education, especially in the area of teaching and learning in primary and secondary schools.
In teacher education, we are responsible for pre-service teachers‘ acquisition of pedagogical knowledge in the area of teaching, diagnostics, upbringing and innovation. Throughout the entire Bachelor's and Master's program, we provide students with a competence-, research- and practice-oriented education.
Main research areas
Research Activities
Educational Science, in particular Educational Management and Quality Development
Educational Sciences, in particular Education with Digital Media
Digital Teaching and Learning
Educational Research, in particular Emperical Educational Scienes
Primary school pedagogic
Teacher Education and School Development
Schulleitungen: Was eine neue Studie über ihr Burnout-Risiko sagt
Pietsch, M., Groß, N. & Dadaczynski, K.
1 item of Media coverage
Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschullehre. Kurzinterviews mit Lehrenden verschiedener Hochschulen
1 item of Media coverage
Ethik im Gespräch: KI-Kompetenzen müssen in der Breite entwickelt werden
1 item of Media coverage
Forscher: Die sieben Erfolgsfaktoren der Hamburger Schulen
1 item of Media coverage
Interview: Vom PISA-Nachzügler zum Musterschüler - Was Österreich von Hamburg lernen kann
1 item of Media coverage
Bildungswissenschaftler bezieht Stellung zu Kretschmer-Aussagen über "Schüler von außen"
1 item of Media coverage
Künstliche Intelligenz in der Lehre kompetenzorientiert und didaktisch gestalten
1 Media contribution