Junior professorship for Educational Sciences, in particular Education with Digital Media

Organisational unit: Professoship

Organisation profile

Digitally shaped educational and living environments provide the framework for the topics to be dealt with on the connection between education and digitality in the field of education with digital media. With reference to current media-related socially relevant phenomena, questions of media education, media socialisation and media education are considered with regard to school and out-of-school education (e.g. media pedagogical actors; early childhood education), the parents' home and the media use behaviour of children/adolescents themselves. Attitudes as well as pedagogical practices of the actors and framework conditions of the respective educational arrangements are taken into account. The aim of the teaching is to enable students to engage in a knowledge-based, critical and reflective debate on the interplay between digitality and education, oriented towards theories and current discourses. The following focal points can be named for the field of work: Education in the context of digital media in formal, non-formal and informal educational settings; participation/inclusion in the interplay of digital media and education; digitally shaped growing up of children and young people (media socialisation).

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