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  1. Erschienen
  2. Who are the Drivers of Change? On the Growing Role of Retailers in Ongoing Attempts to Reorient Markets for Animal Welfare

    Esbjerg, L., Laursen, K. B. & Schulze, M., 2022, in: International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research. 32, 4, S. 468-487 20 S.

    Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenZeitschriftenaufsätzeForschungbegutachtet

  3. Erschienen

    Zum Entwurf einer EU-Richtlinie zur Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD): Unterschiede zum deutschen Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG)

    Velte, P. & Stave, C., 2022, in: WPg - Die Wirtschaftsprüfung. 75, 13, S. 724-734 11 S.

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  4. Erschienen

    Zum Entwurf einer EU-Richtlinie zur Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD): Einordnung in ein Gesamtkonzept der Sustainable Corporate Governance

    Velte, P. & Stave, C., 2022, in: WPg - Die Wirtschaftsprüfung. 75, 14, S. 790-797 8 S.

    Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenZeitschriftenaufsätzeLehrebegutachtet

  5. Erschienen
  6. Erschienen

    Zur Notwendigkeit von Nachhaltigkeit in der Corporate Governance

    Velte, P., 2022, Corporate Responsibility: Kompass für die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung. Freiberg, J. & Bruckner, A. (Hrsg.). Freiburg im Breisgau: Haufe Mediengruppe, S. 89-111 23 S.

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in SammelwerkenTransfer

  7. Erschienen
  8. Erschienen

    Zur Schließung der „Verlässlichkeitslücke“ beim Corporate Governance Reporting

    Velte, P. & von Werder, A., 2022, in: Der Betrieb. 75, 27-28, S. 1593-1600 8 S., DB1399169.

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  9. Erschienen


    Carroll, J. S., Christianson, M. K., Frese, M., Lei, Z., Naveh, E. & Vogus, T. J., 01.12.2021, in: Academy of Management Discoveries. 7, 4, S. 451-460 10 S.

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  10. Erschienen

    What's on in Arts Marketing Research?

    Holst, C., Myers, E. M. & Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S., 01.12.2021, in: Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy. 7, 2, S. 201-214 14 S.

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  11. Climate change awareness of the young generation and its impact on their diet

    Jürkenbeck, K., Spiller, A. & Schulze, M., 12.2021, in: Cleaner and Responsible Consumption. 3, 8 S., 100041.

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  12. From Rana Plaza to COVID‐19: Deficiencies and opportunities for a new labour governance system in garment global supply chains

    Frenkel, S. J. & Schüßler, E., 12.2021, in: International Labour Review. 160, 4, S. 591–609 19 S.

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  13. Erschienen

    Chief Financial Officer compensation and corporate sustainability

    Bouzzine, Y. D. & Lueg, R., 15.11.2021, in: Encyclopedia. 2021, 6 S., 15929.

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  14. Erschienen

    The Relationship between CFO Compensation and Corporate Sustainability: An Empirical Examination of German Listed Firms

    Profitlich, M., Bouzzine, Y. D. & Lueg, R., 08.11.2021, in: Sustainability. 13, 21, 18 S., 12299.

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  15. Erschienen

    Extending the Operation of Existing Biogas Plants: Which Follow-Up Concepts and Plants Will Prevail?

    Güsewell, J., Scherzinger, K., Holstenkamp, L., Vincent, L. & Eltrop, L., 03.11.2021, in: Frontiers in Energy Research. 9, 19 S., 719697.

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  16. Erschienen

    Deconstructing corporate sustainability narratives: A taxonomy for critical assessment of integrated reporting types

    Lueg, K. & Lueg, R., 01.11.2021, in: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 28, 6, S. 1785-1800 16 S.

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  17. Do You Like What You (Can't) See? The Differential Effects of Hardware and Software Upgrades on High-Tech Product Evaluations

    Wiegand, N. & Imschloss, M., 01.11.2021, in: Journal of Interactive Marketing. 56, 1, S. 18-40 23 S.

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  18. Erschienen

    Corporate Volunteering - der Mensch im Mittelpunkt?

    Fischer-Schöneborn, S., 11.2021, in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Wirtschaft und Pädagogik. 36, 70, S. 83-86 4 S.

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  19. Reframing Business Sustainability Decision-Making with Value-Focussed Thinking

    Benkert, J., 11.2021, in: Journal of Business Ethics. 174, 2, S. 441-456 16 S.

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  20. Erschienen

    Understanding the bright side and the dark side of telework: An empirical analysis of working conditions and psychosomatic health complaints

    Wöhrmann, A. M. & Ebner, C., 11.2021, in: New Technology, Work and Employment. 36, 3, S. 348-370 23 S.

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  21. Between mutuality, autonomy and domination: Rethinking digital platforms as contested relational structures

    Schüßler, E., Attwood-Charles, W., Kirchner, S. & Schor, J. B., 01.10.2021, in: Socio-Economic Review. 19, 4, S. 1217-1243 27 S.

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  22. Option-implied skewness: Insights from ITM-options

    Mohrschladt, H. & Schneider, J. C., 01.10.2021, in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 131, 104227.

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  23. Erschienen

    A toolkit for robust risk assessment using F-divergences

    Kruse, T., Schneider, J. C. & Schweizer, N., 10.2021, in: Management Science. 67, 10, S. 6529-6552 24 S.

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  24. Erschienen

    Dynamic capabilities? Unleashing their dynamics through a practice perspective on organizational routines

    Wenzel, M., Danner-Schröder, A. & Spee, A. P., 10.2021, in: Journal of Management Inquiry. 30, 4, S. 395-406 12 S.

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  25. Emissions trading in the aviation and maritime sector: Findings from a revised taxonomy

    Schinas, O. & Bergmann, N., 10.2021, in: Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain. 1, 16 S., 100003.

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  26. Erschienen

    Idiosyncratic volatility, option-based measures of informed trading, and investor attention

    Mohrschladt, H. & Schneider, J. C., 10.2021, in: Review of Derivatives Research. 24, 3, S. 197-220 24 S.

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  27. Erschienen

    Worse is worse and better doesn't matter? The effects of favorable and unfavorable environmental information on consumers’ willingness to pay

    Petersen, L., Hörisch, J. & Jacobs, K., 10.2021, in: Journal of Industrial Ecology. 25, 5, S. 1338-1356 19 S.

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  28. Erschienen

    OS4Future: An academic advocacy movement for our future

    Delmestri, G., Etchanchu, H., Bothello, J., Habersang, S., Gutierrez-Huerter O, G. & Schüßler, E., 30.09.2021, Personal Sustainability Practices : Faculty Approaches to Walking the Sustainability Talk and Living the UN SDGs. Starik, M. & Kanashiro, P. (Hrsg.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, S. 218-229 12 S. (New horizons in sustainability and business series).

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  29. Erschienen

    Feedback on creative ideas: Toward a communicative and creative action perspective

    Hartmann, M., Koch, J. & Wenzel, M., 17.09.2021, Organizing Creativity in the Innovation Journey. Schuessler, E., Cohendet, P. & Svejenova, S. (Hrsg.). Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, S. 267-287 21 S. (Research in the Sociology of Organizations; Band 75).

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  30. Organizing Creativity for Innovation: Situated Practices and Process Perspectives

    Svejenova, S., Cohendet, P. & Schüßler, E., 17.09.2021, Organizing Creativity in the Innovation Journey. Schüßler, E., Cohendet, P. & Svejenova, S. (Hrsg.). Emerald Publishing Limited, S. 1-16 16 S. (Research in the Sociology of Organizations; Band 75).

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  31. Organizing Creativity in the Innovation Journey

    Schüßler, E. (Herausgeber*in), Cohendet, P. S. (Herausgeber*in) & Svejenova, S. (Herausgeber*in), 17.09.2021, Emerald Publishing Limited. 296 S. (Research in the Sociology of Organizations; Band 75)

    Publikation: Bücher und AnthologienZeitschriftenhefteForschung

  32. Erschienen

    Corporate sustainability in the Nordic countries - The curvilinear effects on shareholder returns

    Lueg, R. & Pesheva, R., 15.09.2021, in: Journal of Cleaner Production. 315, 127962.

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  33. Erschienen

    The framing of sustainable finance in charitable foundations—findings from a qualitative study

    Wiener, B., 15.09.2021, in: Sustainability. 13, 18, 15 S., 10319.

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  34. Erschienen

    Transcending adaptation: Toward an examination of market-shaping capabilities as a sub-capability of organizational agility

    Wenzel, M., 10.09.2021, in: Journal of Competences, Strategy and Management. 11, 12 S.

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  35. Innovation und Organisation

    Schüßler, E. & Schiemer, B., 02.09.2021, Handbuch Innovationsforschung: Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Blättel-Mink, B., Schulz-Schaeffer, I. & Windeler, A. (Hrsg.). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, S. 395-410 16 S. (Handbuch Innovationsforschung).

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  36. Erschienen

    Actors in transitions: narratives of roles and change in the German e-mobility transition

    Upham, P. & Gathen, L., 01.09.2021, in: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. 40, S. 450-460 11 S.

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  37. Erschienen

    Culture and performance appraisal in multinational enterprises: Implementing French headquarters' practices in Middle East and North Africa subsidiaries

    Yahiaoui, D., Nakhle, S. F. & Farndale, E., 01.09.2021, in: Human Resource Management. 60, 5, S. 771-785 15 S.

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  38. Erschienen

    Do fair value measurements affect accounting-based earnings quality? A literature review with a focus on corporate governance as moderator

    Thesing, J. & Velte, P., 09.2021, in: Journal of Business Economics : JBE. 91, 7, S. 965-1004 40 S.

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  39. Erschienen

    Microphones, not megaphones: Functional crowdworker voice regimes on digital work platforms

    Gegenhuber, T., Ellmer, M. & Schüßler, E., 09.2021, in: Human Relations . 74, 9, S. 1473-1503 31 S.

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  40. Erschienen

    Managing CSR Communication

    Schoeneborn, D. & Girschik, V., 09.08.2021, Handbook of Management Communication. Cooren, F. & Stücheli-Herlach, P. (Hrsg.). DE GRUYTER Poland, S. 443-458 16 S. (Handbooks of Applied Linguistics (HAL); Band 16).

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  41. Erschienen

    Can radicals get a seat on the negotiation table? A Dynamic Perspective on Legitimation Processes.

    Reif, K., Gegenhuber, T. K., Urbig, D. & Bürger, R., 01.08.2021, in: Academy of Management Proceedings. 2021, 1, 1 S., 14300.

    Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenKonferenz-Abstracts in FachzeitschriftenForschung

  42. Erschienen

    “Do as we say and you’ll be successful”: Accelerators as Organizations of Entrepreneurial Dressage

    Skade, L., Wenzel, M. & Koch, J., 01.08.2021, in: Academy of Management Proceedings. 2021, 1, 1 S., 10089.

    Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenKonferenz-Abstracts in FachzeitschriftenForschung

  43. Erschienen

    From temporal myopia to foresight: Bridging the near and the distant future through temporal work

    Blagoev, B., Von Guttenberg, L. & Schoeneborn, D., 01.08.2021, in: Academy of Management Proceedings. 2021, 1, 1 S., 14570.

    Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenKonferenz-Abstracts in FachzeitschriftenForschung

  44. Erschienen

    Institutional mirror versus substitute: How regulations affect explicit CSR motivation

    Jasinenko, A., Brieger, S. & Haack, P., 01.08.2021, in: Academy of Management Proceedings. 2021, 1, 1 S., 15588.

    Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenKonferenz-Abstracts in FachzeitschriftenForschung

  45. Erschienen

    Integrated Pedagogy for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The Case of EIT Climate KIC

    Klapper, R. G., Oberstrass, T. & Upham, P., 01.08.2021, in: Academy of Management Proceedings. 2021, 1, 1 S., 105.

    Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenKonferenz-Abstracts in FachzeitschriftenForschung

  46. Erschienen

    Lukewarm or Hot? Comparing Investor Tie Formation of Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley and Berlin

    Scheidgen, K. & Brattström, A., 01.08.2021, in: Academy of Management Proceedings. 2021, 1

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  47. Erschienen

    The reputation costs of executive misconduct accusations

    Bouzzine, Y. D. & Lueg, R., 01.08.2021, in: Academy of Management Proceedings. 48, 1, 3 S., 10034.

    Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenKonferenz-Abstracts in FachzeitschriftenForschungbegutachtet

  48. The Short-Term Cost of Greening the Global Fleet

    Schinas, O. & Bergmann, N., 08.2021, in: Sustainability. 13, 16, 31 S., 9439.

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  49. Erschienen

    The Street and Organization Studies

    Cnossen, B., de Vaujany, F.-X. & Haefliger, S., 08.2021, in: Organization Studies. 42, 8, S. 1337-1349 13 S.

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  50. Erschienen

    Theorising individual agency within sociotechnical sustainability transitions frames: A social psychological review

    Upham, P., Bögel, P., Klapper, R. G. & Kašperová, E., 16.07.2021, Research Handbook of Sustainability Agency . Teerikangas, S., Onlika, T., Koistinen, K. & Mäkelä, M. (Hrsg.). Edward Elgar Publishing, S. 29-45 17 S.

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in SammelwerkenForschung