Institute of Fine Arts, Music and Education
Organisational unit: Institute
Organisation profile
The Institute of Fine Arts, Music and Education combines artistic, pedagogical and research-based expertise within the disciplines fine arts and music, with a particular emphasis on contemporary forms and practice. Lecturers offer modules for students enrolled in the Bachelor and Masters programmes within the faculties of Education and Humanities, in addition to the minor programme Popular Music Studies and the Early Childhood Music Further Education programme. Public exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events are of great importance within in the institute. These collaborative projects are innovatively developed and presented with and for our students thereby enriching the cultural life of the university.
Main research areas
Research activities
Junior professorship for Contemporary Art History, Aesthetic Practices
Professorship for Arts Mediation
Professorship for Music Education, in Particular Popular Music
Prof. Dr. Michael Ahlers
Professorship of Musicology, in particular Popular Music Studies
Prof. Dr. Monika Schoop
The M/Other Project: Creativity, Procreation, and Contemporary Art (Freigeist Fellowship)
Troeller, J. (Project manager, academic)
01.04.23 → 30.04.28
Project: Research
ZZL-Netzwerk 2.0: Theorie-Praxis-Verzahnung in der Lehrerbildung in den Handlungsfeldern „Kompetenzorientierter Unterricht“, „Inklusion“, „Coaching & Mentoring“ und „Lehrkräftegesundheit“
Ehmke, T. (Project manager, academic), Leiss, D. (Project manager, academic), Schmidt, T. (Project manager, academic), Weinhold, S. (Project manager, academic), Straub, R. P. (Project staff), Schilling, L. (Project staff), Besser, M. (Project manager, academic), Fischer-Schöneborn, S. (Coordination), Bormann, F. (Project staff), Kuchenbuch, F. (Project staff), Ahlers, M. (Partner), Verbücheln, E.-M. (Project staff), Barth, M. (Partner), Jastrow, F. (Project staff), Süßenbach, J. (Partner), Anders, D. (Project staff), Kleinknecht, M. (Partner), Hohensee, E. (Project staff), Schiemann, S. (Partner), Paulus, P. (Partner), Claußen, J. T. (Project staff), Poschkamp, A.-K. (Project staff), Köllner, G. (Project staff), Hüfner, S. K. (Project staff), Schürmann, H. (Project staff) & Abels, S. (Partner)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
01.07.19 → 31.12.23
Project: Transfer (R&D project)
GPMS: Transcdiscliplinary research on German Popular Studies: Topics and Tasks
Ahlers, M. (Project manager, academic) & Jacke, C. (Partner)
01.09.13 → 30.04.15
Project: Research
TransExil: TransExil. Verhandlungen von Ästhetik und Gemeinschaft im postrevolutionären Mexiko" - Teilprojekt TP4 „Cultural Anthropology, lndigenismus und lokale Materialitäten im Kontext des Exils"
Troeller, J. (Project manager, academic) & Noack, K. (Project manager, academic)
01.04.25 → 31.03.29
Project: Research
Transkulturelle Kunstvermittlung
Eremjan, I. (Project staff)
30.06.10 → …
Project: Dissertation project
Umgang mit Heterogenität und Inklusion in den auf die Lehrämter an allgemeinen Schulen bezogenen Studiengängen
Schormann, C. (Project manager, academic)
Ministry of Science and Culture of the State of Lower Saxony
01.12.15 → 09.02.17
Project: Other
"Ways to Their Ears": Konzeption und Realisation innovativer Veranstaltungskonzepte.
Ahlers, M. (Project manager, academic)
15.10.13 → 01.02.14
Project: Teaching