Professorship for Educational Psychology

Organisational unit: Professoship

Organisation profile

At the Department of Educational Psychology we are interested in the preconditions, processes and results of education on the basis of psychological concepts, theories and research approaches. Our research aims at describing, explaining and predicting pedagogically significant factors as well as factors changed by pedagogical-psychological measures on an empirical-scientific basis. In doing so, we focus on the context of school education and investigate the question of how (prospective) teachers, but also principals, students, and parents perceive and cope with current demands of school practice, for example in the areas of inclusion and digitalization.

1 - 10 out of 10Page size: 100
  1. LAMBDA: Assessment of students’ initial learning situations in mathematics as a stimulus for data-based school and instruction development

    Kuhl, P. (Project manager, academic), Nonte, S. (Project manager, academic), Gasteiger, H. (Project manager, academic), Riedel, M. (Project staff), Steinmann, M. (Project staff) & Trypke, M. (Project staff)


    Project: Research

  2. Didok: Chancen und Herausforderungen digitaler Dokumentation in Kindertagesstätten

    Schönborn, H. (Project staff) & Kuhl, P. (Project manager, academic)


    Project: Dissertation project

  3. CODIP: Competences for Digital-Enhanced Individualized Practice

    Ahlers, M. (Project manager, academic), Besser, M. (Project manager, academic), Kuhl, P. (Project manager, academic), Lehr, D. (Partner), Süßenbach, J. (Partner), Schmidt, T. (Partner), Herzog, C. (Coordination), Altenburger, L. (Project staff), Diekhoff, H. (Project staff), Hase, A. K. (Project staff), Kahnbach, L. (Project staff), Wendt, C. (Project staff), Wucherpfennig, S. (Project staff), Horst de Cuestas, K. (Project staff) & Neumann, A. (Partner)

    Federal Ministry of Education and Research


    Project: Research

  4. DigiTaL - Subproject 01: Virtual realities for competence development and reflection

    Kuhl, P. (Project manager, academic), Loschelder, D. (Project manager, academic), Adam, Y. (Project staff), Petrowsky, H. (Project staff), Schweigler, S. (Project staff), Knabbe, F. (Project staff) & Escher, Y. A. (Project staff)


    Project: Teaching

  5. JIB-Evaluation: Evaluation des Transferzirkels "Jede(r) ist besonders"

    Kuhl, P. (Project manager, academic) & Müller, U. B. (Project staff)


    Project: Research

  6. LERN-IF: Learning process diagnostics and learning supportive performance feedback in inclusive subject teaching

    Besser, M. (Project manager, academic), Ehmke, T. (Project manager, academic), Leiss, D. (Project manager, academic), Kuhl, P. (Project manager, academic), Töllner, F. (Project staff) & Renftel, K. (Project staff)

    Federal Ministry of Education and Research


    Project: Research

  7. NELSEN: NEtwork of Large-Scale Studies Including Students with Special Educational Needs

    Kuhl, P. (Project manager, academic)


    Project: Research

  8. Profilstudium: Bachelor Lehren und Lernen

    Schwedler-Diesener, A. (Project manager, academic), Troll, B. (Project manager, academic), Süßenbach, J. (Project manager, academic) & Kuhl, P. (Project manager, academic)

    01.04.21 → …

    Project: Teaching

  9. Profilstudium im Lehramt

    Schwedler-Diesener, A. (Coordination), Kuhl, P. (Project manager, academic) & Buhrfeind, I. (Project staff)

    Project: Teaching

  10. ReflexProfi-L: Strengthening the reflection skills of students in the profile study in teacher education

    Kuhl, P. (Project manager, academic), Süßenbach, J. (Project manager, academic) & Schwedler-Diesener, A. (Project staff)


    Project: Teaching

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