Browse by research area

  1. Published

    Challenges and opportunities for grassland restoration: A global perspective of best practices in the era of climate change

    Lyons, K. G., Török, P., Hermann, J.-M., Kiehl, K., Kirmer, A., Kollmann, J., Overbeck, G. E., Tischew, S., Allen, E. B., Bakker, J. D., Brigham, C., Buisson, E., Crawford, K., Dunwiddie, P., Firn, J., Grobert, D., Hickman, K., Stradic, S. L. & Temperton, V. M., 01.10.2023, In: Global Ecology and Conservation. 46, 16 p., e02612.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  2. Published

    Wildlife habitat association over a twelve-year period (2008-2020) in the Greater Mahale Ecosystem, western Tanzania

    Thomsen, S., Loos, J., Stewart, F. A. & Piel, A. K., 01.10.2023, In: Journal for Nature Conservation. 75, 126464.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearch

  3. Published

    Tree diversity effects on litter decomposition are mediated by litterfall and microbial processes

    Beugnon, R., Eisenhauer, N., Bruelheide, H., Davrinche, A., Du, J., Haider, S., Hähn, G., Saadani, M., Singavarapu, B., Sünnemann, M., Thouvenot, L., Wang, Y., Wubet, T., Xue, K. & Cesarz, S., 10.2023, In: Oikos. 2023, 10, 13 p., e09751.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Tree species identity, canopy structure and prey availability differentially affect canopy spider diversity and trophic composition

    Wildermuth, B., Dönges, C., Matevski, D., Penanhoat, A., Seifert, C. L., Seidel, D., Scheu, S. & Schuldt, A., 10.2023, In: Oecologia. 203, 1-2, p. 37-51 15 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Heterotrophic growth of Galdieria sulphuraria on residues from aquaculture and fish processing industries

    Pleissner, D., Schönfelder, S., Händel, N., Dalichow, J., Ettinger, J., Kvangarsnes, K., Dauksas, E., Rustad, T. & Cropotova, J., 01.09.2023, In: Bioresource Technology. 384, 8 p., 129281.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Shedding light on trophic interactions: A field experiment on the effect of human population between latitudes on herbivory and predation patterns

    Alonso-Crespo, I. M. & Hernández-Agüero, J. A., 01.09.2023, In: Ecology and Evolution. 13, 9, 13 p., e10449.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Valuing beaches for beauty and recreation only? Uncovering perception bias through a hashtag analysis

    Wahler, H., Fanini, L. & Riechers, M., 01.09.2023, In: Marine Policy. 155, 105707.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearch

  8. Published

    Collaborative benchmarking of functional-structural root architecture models: Quantitative comparison of simulated root water uptake

    Schnepf, A., Black, C. K., Couvreur, V., Delory, B. M., Doussan, C., Heymans, A., Javaux, M., Khare, D., Koch, A., Koch, T., Kuppe, C. W., Landl, M., Leitner, D., Lobet, G., Meunier, F., Postma, J. A., Schäfer, E. D., Selzner, T., Vanderborght, J. & Vereecken, H., 10.08.2023, In: In Silico Plants. 5, 1, 21 p., diad005.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Reduction of the Microbial Load of Digestate by the Cultivation of Galdieria sulphuraria Under Acidic Conditions

    Pleissner, D. & Händel, N., 08.2023, In: Waste and Biomass Valorization. 14, 8, p. 2621-2627 7 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsResearch

  10. Published

    Disentangling the practice of landscape approaches: a Q-method analysis on experiences in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes

    Torralba, M., Nishi, M., Cebrián-Piqueras, M. A., Quintas-Soriano, C., García-Martín, M. & Plieninger, T., 01.07.2023, In: Sustainability Science. 18, 4, p. 1893-1906 14 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  11. Published

    Random year intercepts in mixed models help to assess uncertainties in insect population trends

    Weiss, F., Wehrden, H. & Linde, A., 01.07.2023, In: Insect Conservation and Diversity. 16, 4, p. 531-537 7 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsResearch

  12. Published

    Spatial interpretation of high-resolution environmental proxy data of the Middle Pleistocene Palaeolithic faunal kill site Schöningen 13 II-4, Germany

    Urban, B., Krahn, K. J., Kasper, T., García-Moreno, A., Hutson, J. M., Villaluenga, A., Turner, E., Gaudzinski-Windheuser, S., Farghaly, D., Tucci, M. & Schwalb, A., 01.07.2023, In: Boreas. 52, 3, p. 440-458 19 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  13. Species diversity of forest floor biota in non-native Douglas-fir stands is similar to that of native stands

    Glatthorn, J., Appleby, S., Balkenhol, N., Kriegel, P., Likulunga, L. E., Lu, J. Z., Matevski, D., Polle, A., Riebl, H., Rivera Pérez, C. A., Scheu, S., Seinsche, A., Schall, P., Schuldt, A., Wingender, S. & Ammer, C., 01.07.2023, In: Ecosphere. 14, 7, 16 p., e4609.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  14. Published

    Prioritize grassland restoration to bend the curve of biodiversity loss

    Staude, I. R., Segar, J., Temperton, V. M., Andrade, B. O., de Sá Dechoum, M., Weidlich, E. W. A. & Overbeck, G. E., 07.2023, In: Restoration Ecology. 31, 5, 7 p., e13931.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  15. Published

    Participation in protected area governance: A systematic case survey of the evidence on ecological and social outcomes

    Huber, J. M., Newig, J. & Loos, J., 15.06.2023, In: Journal of Environmental Management. 336, 117593.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  16. Published

    Flowers in the dark: The contribution of rooftop urban agriculture to human well-being in the Ein El-Hilweh Refugee Camp, Lebanon

    Tarchahani, A. & Loos, J., 01.06.2023, In: World Development Sustainability. 2, 8 p., 100057.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearch

  17. Published

    Introduction to the challenges and chances regarding the utilization of nitrogen-rich by-products and waste streams

    Thielemann, A. K. & Pleissner, D., 01.06.2023, In: Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry. 41, 100813.

    Research output: Journal contributionsScientific review articlesResearch

  18. Published

    Landscape dynamics and chronological refinement of the Middle Pleistocene Reinsdorf Sequence of Schöningen, NW Germany

    Urban, B., Kasper, T., Krahn, K. J., van Kolfschoten, T., Rech, B., Holzheu, M., Tucci, M. & Schwalb, A., 01.06.2023, In: Quaternary Research. 114, p. 148-177 30 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearch

  19. Abiotic and biotic drivers of tree trait effects on soil microbial biomass and soil carbon concentration

    Beugnon, R., Bu, W., Bruelheide, H., Davrinche, A., Du, J., Haider, S., Kunz, M., von Oheimb, G., Perles-Garcia, M. D., Saadani, M., Scholten, T., Seitz, S., Singavarapu, B., Trogisch, S., Wang, Y., Wubet, T., Xue, K., Yang, B., Cesarz, S. & Eisenhauer, N., 01.05.2023, In: Ecological Monographs. 93, 2, 20 p., e1563.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  20. Published

    Traits of dominant plant species drive normalized difference vegetation index in grasslands globally

    Engel, T., Bruelheide, H., Hoss, D., Sabatini, F. M., Altman, J., Arfin-Khan, M. A. S., Bergmeier, E., Černý, T., Chytrý, M., Dainese, M., Dengler, J., Dolezal, J., Field, R., Fischer, F. M., Huygens, D., Jandt, U., Jansen, F., Jentsch, A., Karger, D. N., Kattge, J., Lenoir, J., Lens, F., Loos, J., Niinemets, Ü., Overbeck, G. E., Ozinga, W. A., Penuelas, J., Peyre, G., Phillips, O., Reich, P. B., Römermann, C., Sandel, B., Schmidt, M., Schrodt, F., Velez-Martin, E., Violle, C. & Pillar, V., 01.05.2023, In: Global Ecology and Biogeography. 32, 5, p. 695-706 12 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

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