Professorship for Social-, Organizational and Political Psychology, especially empirical Negotiation Research
Organisational unit: Professoship
Organisation profile
The Department of Social and Political Psychology and its affiliated Negotiation Research Group (NRG) deals with the empirical study of psychological processes in negotiations. The focus of the scientific work is on psychological processes that facilitate or hinder an integrative balance of interests between negotiating parties. In a large number of third-party funded research projects (e.g. DFG, EU-Fonds, Volkswagenstiftung), the experience and behaviour of people in socially relevant negotiation situations, such as in the context of economy, politics, work or the environment, is investigated together with international cooperation partners.
The department positions itself as an important player at the interface between science and practice. In addition to the establishment of a certificate course in "The Psychology of Negotiation", the research group regularly offers further education and training seminars in which scientifically sound knowledge on the subject of negotiation is conveyed in a practical and action-oriented manner.
In order to transfer scientific knowledge to the public and practice, the department regularly contributes to the social discourse, both through training and education offers and through public relations work (e.g. newspaper reports, radio reports and television interviews).
The Price is Right: How to Get the Best Possible Outcome in Price Negotiations
Warsitzka, M., Mann, M., Schauer, M. & Trötschel, R.
1 Media contribution
Klimaverhandlungen: Warum nachhaltige Lösungen so schwierig zu erreichen sind und wie es dennoch gelingen kann
Heydenbluth, C., Schauer, M. & Trötschel, R.
1 Media contribution
Auf die Haltung kommt es an
Trötschel, R., Hüffmeier, J., Warsitzka, M. & Mann, M.
1 item of Media coverage
Der Preis ist heiß: Wie man in Preisverhandlungen das Bestmögliche herausholt
Warsitzka, M., Mann, M., Schauer, M. & Trötschel, R.
1 Media contribution
Gemeinsam statt einsam: Nachbarn in der Corona-Krise unterstützen
1 item of Media coverage
Verhandlungen zur Corona-Politik: Die Bedeutung von Verhandlungspausen.
1 item of Media coverage
Miteinander oder Gegeneinander? Der Umgang mit sozialen Konflikten in der Corona Pandemie.
1 item of Media coverage
Soziale Dilemma in der Corona Krise: Corona Regeln müssen vermittelbar bleiben
1 item of Media coverage
Zwischen Eigenwohl und Gemeinwohl: Soziales Miteinander in der Corona-Pandemie
1 item of Media coverage