Browse by research area

  1. Published

    Formen der Kunstrezeption in der Moderne: Übertragung (Diderot) und Reflexion (Greenberg)

    Söntgen, B. E., 03.2016, Handbuch Sprache in der Kunstkommunikation. Hausendorf, H. & Müller, M. (eds.). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, p. 135-152 18 p. (Handbücher Sprachwissen; vol. 16).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  2. Published

    Formen des Kontakts: Auguste Renoirs Nach dem Mittagessen

    Söntgen, B. E., 2015, Monet und die Geburt des Impressionsmus. Krämer, F. (ed.). München: Prestel Verlag, p. 183-193 11 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  3. Published


    Behnke, C., 2009, Bourdieu-Handbuch: Leben-Werk-Wirkung. Fröhlich, G. & Rehbein, B. (eds.). Stuttgart und Weimar: J.B. Metzler, p. 366-368 3 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  4. Fotografie als Medium der Wissenschaft: Kunstgeschichte, Biologie und das Elend der Illustration

    Bredekamp, H. & Brons, F., 2004, Iconic Turn: Die neue Macht der Bilder. Burda, H. & Maar, C. (eds.). Köln: DuMont Literatur und Kunst Verlag, p. 365-381 17 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  5. Published

    From the Household of the Soul to the Economy of Money: What Are Sixteenth-Century Merchants Doing in the Virgin Mary's Interior?

    Kuhn, H., 2015, Interiors and Interiority. Lajer-Burcharth, E. & Söntgen, B. (eds.). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, p. 229-246 18 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  6. Published

    From visual projections to visionary locations: the symbolic turn in the era of digital imaging

    Bisanz, E., 2008, KOHT ja PAIK / PLACE and LOCATION . Näripea, E., Sarapik, V. & Tomberg, J. (eds.). Tallin: Estonian Literary Museum , p. 47-62 16 p. (Studies in Environmental Aesthetics and Semiotics; vol. 6).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  7. Published

    Heteronomisierung des ästhetischen Feldes. Kunst, Ökonomie und Unterhaltung im Urteil eines Avantgardekunst-Publikums

    Wuggenig, U. & Behnke, C., 1994, Das symbolische Kapital der Lebensstile. Zur Kultursoziologie der Moderne nach Pierre Bourdieu. Mörth, I. & Fröhlich, G. (eds.). Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, p. 229-253 25 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  8. Published

    How to Do Materialistic Dialectics with Words? Adorno and the Resistance of Presentation

    Stubenrauch, H., 28.07.2020, Critique: The Stakes of Form. Khatib, S., Kuhn, H., Lochner, O., Mehl, I. & Söntgen, B. (eds.). Zürich: Diaphanes Verlag, p. 37 - 52 16 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  9. Published

    "Ich kann sagen: Nächstes Jahr ist okay! Mehr kann ich nicht sagen.": Eine bildende Künstlerin und Filmemacherin im Gespräch mit Ulf Wuggenig

    Wuggenig, U., 2010, Ein halbes Leben: Biografische Zeugnisse aus einer Arbeitswelt im Umbruch. Schultheis, F., Vogel, B. & Gemperle, M. (eds.). 1. ed. Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, p. 507-522 16 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  10. Illuminated Loss: Andy Warhol’s Flash—November 22

    Troeller, J., 2013, Reading Andy Warhol: in conjunction with the Exhibition Reading Andy Warhol, Museum Brandhorst, Munich, September 18, 2013 - January 12, 2014. Schleif, N. (ed.). München: Hatje Cantz Verlag, p. 202–217 16 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  11. Published

    Image Noise

    Brons, F., 2015, The Technical Image : A History of Styles within Scientific Images. Bredekamp, H., Dünkel, V. & Schneider, B. (eds.). 1 ed. Chicago: Chicago University Press, p. 138 - 141 4 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  12. Published

    Im Gespräch bleiben: Notizen zur Kunstkritik

    Söntgen, B., 31.05.2023, Ins Bild kommen: Spielräume der Kunstkritik. Hosseini, A., Kipke, A., Kuhn, H. & Woisnitza, M. (eds.). Paderborn: Brill | Fink, p. 3-14 12 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  13. Im Rahmen des Bürgerlichen: Fragonards Virtuosität

    Söntgen, B., 2011, Genie - Virtuose - Dilettant: Konfigurationen romantischer Schöpfungsästhetik. Brandstetter, G. & Neumann, G. (eds.). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, p. 213-232 28 p. (Stiftung für Romantikforschung; no. 53).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  14. Published

    Inkorporationskunst: Krise und Kuratoriat

    Beyes, T., 2013, What’s Next?: Kunst nach der Krise: Ein Reader. Hedinger, J. M. & Meyer, T. (eds.). Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos , p. 63-67 5 p. 014

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  15. Published

    Integrating Art and Education for Sustainable Development. A Transdisciplinary Working Process in the Context of Culture and Sustainability

    Holz, V., 2011, Sustainable Development – The Cultural Perspective. Concepts – Aspects – Examples. Banse, G., Nelson, G. L. & Parodi, O. (eds.). 1 ed. Berlin: edition sigma, p. 239-250 12 p. (Gesellschaft – Technik – Umwelt; vol. 15).

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  16. Interaction Computer Dance: The Resonance Paradigm 1900/2000

    Leeker, M., 31.12.2008, Paradoxes of Interactivity: Perspectives for Media Theory, Human-computer Interaction, and Artistic Investigations. Seifert, U., Moore, A. & Kim, J. H. (eds.). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, p. 250-265 16 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  17. Interieur: Vom Wohnen in Bildern

    Söntgen, B., 2005, Literatur als Philosophie - Philosophie als Literatur. Horn, E., Menke, B. & Menke, C. (eds.). München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, p. 139-152 14 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  18. Published

    In the Eye of the Beholder: Emanuel Goldberg's Apparatuses at the International Photographic Exhibition Dresden 1909

    Brons, F., 2015, The Technical Image: a history of styles in scientific imagery. Bredekamp, H., V. D. & Schneider, B. (eds.). Chicago: Chicago University Press, p. 102 - 111 10 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  19. Intimate Publics: Memory, Performance, and Spectacle in Urban Environments

    Broeckmann, A., 2009, Urban Screens Reader. McQuire, S. (ed.). Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, p. 109-118 20 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch

  20. Published

    Introduction: On the Strange Case of 'Creativity' and its Troubled Resurrection

    Wuggenig, U., Raunig, G. & Ray, G., 2011, Critique of Creativity: Precarity, Subjectivity and Resistance in the `Creative Industries´. Raunig, G., Ray, G. & Wuggenig, U. (eds.). London: MayflyBooks, p. 1-5 5 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesResearch