Professorship for Natural Science Education
Organisational unit: Professoship
Organisation profile
Today’s world is characterized by scientific and technological changes. In order to be able to make informed decisions in this world, one needs to have a basic understanding of scientific issues and the ability to apply scientific methods and procedures. Scientific Literacy can help foster a culture of scientific thinking in which people use evidence-based arguments to draw reasoned conclusions and, subsequently, to act in a reflective and responsible manner.
Main research areas
Headed by Prof. Dr. Simone Abels, we deal with two questions: firstly, with the question of how to create teaching-learning processes in order to optimally support all learners in acquiring scientific literacy and secondly, with the question of how to qualify (pre-service) teachers to meet this challenge. Following current developments in both society and science education research, we emphasize the topics inclusion, sustainability and digitalization in teaching, (third-party funded) research projects as well as in bachelor, master and doctoral theses.
In addition to science teacher education, we are actively involved in the fields of teacher professional development and science communication. Beyond that, we provide an out-of-school learning lab called L3 – Leuphana Lernwerkstatt Lüneburg (Leuphana Workshop Centre). In our workshop centre, people from kindergarten to adulthood are encouraged to engage in inquiry-based learning.
This are our key topics and main research areas:
- Inclusive science education
- Inquiry-based science education & science workshop centres
- Video-based professional development of pre-service teachers
- Digital media in science education
- Education for sustainable development
- Language-sensitive science education
- Gender-sensitive STEM education
- E-pub ahead of print
Einstieg in die chemische Reaktion – inklusiv und kontextorientiert
Hüfner, S., Sander, H., Frey, F., List, F., Brodhun, F., Hartmann, A., Schneide, O., Stanze, C. & Abels, S., 11.03.2025, (E-pub ahead of print) In: ChemKon. 2025, 8 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Transfer › peer-review
- Published
Lehramtsstudierende im Master analysieren inklusiven Naturwissenschaftsunterricht – die Entwicklung von Analysekompetenzen mittels videostimulierter Reflexionen
Egger, D. & Abels, S., 11.06.2024, In: QfI - Qualifizierung für Inklusion. 6, 1, 23 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Education › peer-review
- Published
Konstruktion und Fertigung eines Fledermausdetektors: Gestaltungsgrundlage für die Initiierung immersiver Lernerfahrungen mittels Gamification im Technik-Unterricht
Pfeifer, J., Krebs, A.-K. & Nepper, H. H., 21.10.2024, In: Die Materialwerkstatt : Zeitschrift für Konzepte und Arbeitsmaterialien für Lehrer*innenbildung und Unterricht. 6, 1, p. 62-88 27 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Education › peer-review
- Published
Evaluating A Teaching-Learning Sequence (TLS) About Acid-Base Reactions In Upper Secondary School
Krebs, R., Rost, M., Hofer, E. & Lembens, A., 2024, The 15th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA): ESERA 2023; Proceedings Book Series I. Sardag, M., Kaya, G. & Sogut, M. (eds.). Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing, p. 546-558 13 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research › peer-review
- Published
Chemie für alle: Diversität anerkennen – Barrieren erkennen – Partizipation ermöglichen im Chemieunterricht
Rott, L., Abels, S., Nehring, A. & Menthe, J., 2024, In: Naturwissenschaft im Unterricht - Chemie. 35, 204, p. 2-9 8 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Transfer › peer-review
- Published
Lebensmittel analysieren und den Nutri-Score verstehen: Anwendung des NinU-Unterstützungsrasters bei der Gestaltung einer Lernumgebung zur Minimierung von Barrieren beim Forschenden Lernen
Hofer, E. & Abels, S., 2024, In: Naturwissenschaft im Unterricht - Chemie. 35, 204, p. 30-35 6 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Transfer › peer-review
- Published
One Fits Them All? Metaphors in Multilingual Biology Classes
Sowinski, R. & Abels, S., 01.09.2024, Connecting Science Education with Cultural Heritage: Proceedings of the ESERA 2023 Conference. Kaya, G., Sardag, M. & Gul, K. (eds.). Oxford: European Science Education Research Association, Vol. 3. p. 246-256 11 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research › peer-review
- Published
LFB-Labs-digital: Schülerlabore als Ort der Lehrkräftefortbildung in der digitalen Welt: Ein Bericht zur Konzeption eines Verbundprojektes
Kirchhoff, T., Schwedler, S., Abels, S., Acher, A., Anselmetti, D., Besa, K.-S., Biehl, J., Blumberg, E., Breiter, A., Brückmann, M., Büntemeyer, D., Tegani, M. E., Engelhardt, A., Grotjohann, N., Kiel, C., Kleine, M., Koerber, R., Lambrecht, M., Lehmenkühler, A., Meyer, D., Mußhoff, A., Panhorst, M., Peperkorn, C., Röllke, K., Roth, J., Schäfers, M. S., Schüler, H., Stinken-Rösner, L., Strauß, S., Stricker, J., Temmen, K., Tönsing, K., Verständig, D., Wegner, C., Wellensiek, N., Wenzel, A., Wördemann, D., Ziegler, M., Heinrich, M. & Wilde, M., 19.08.2024, In: PFLB - Zeitschrift für Schul- und Professionsentwicklung. 6, 1, p. 130-155 25 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Transfer › peer-review
- Published
Leuphana Lernwerkstatt Lüneburg – multifunktionelle Ausrichtung eines inklusiven naturwissenschaftlichen Lehr-Lern-Raums
Hofer, E. & Abels, S., 2024, Hochschullernwerkstätten im analogen und digitalen Raum: Perspektiven auf Didaktik und Forschung in innovativen Lernsettings. Weber, N., Moos, M. & Kucharz, D. (eds.). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, p. 254-262 9 p. (Lernen und Studieren in Lernwerkstätten).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research › peer-review
- Published
Metaphern zur Klärung biologischer Phänomene: Eine Analyse verschiedener fachwissenschaftlicher Datenquellen
Sowinski, R., Hofer, E. & Abels, S., 17.06.2024, In: Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Biologie (ZDB) - Biologie Lehren und Lernen. 28, p. 56 - 75 20 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review