Institute of Sustainable Chemistry

Organisational unit: Institute

Organisation profile

At the Institute of Sustainable Chemistry the research and teaching activities focus on Environmental Chemistry as well as Sustainable Chemistry. Environmental Chemistry focuses on studies regarding the environmental fate and behaviour of already existing chemicals, Sustainable Chemistry develops in a more holistic approach solutions that meet the criteria of sustainability.

In addition, the Institute for Sustainable Chemistry is also home to the didactics of natural sciences with its research and teaching activities in the profession of chemistry, biology and science education with the reference subject of natural sciences.




Key topics of our research field are as follows:

  • Sustainable Chemistry and Sustainable Pharmacy
  • Inclusive science education
  • Efficient use of biogenic resources
  1. 2021
  2. Published

    Towards the design of organosilicon compounds for environmental degradation by using structure biodegradability relationships

    Grabitz, E., Olsson, O. & Kümmerer, K., 01.09.2021, In: Chemosphere. 279, 12 p., 130442.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Growth and fatty acid composition of Acutodesmus obliquus under different light spectra and temperatures

    Helamieh, M., Gebhardt, A., Reich, M., Kuhn, F., Kerner, M. & Kümmerer, K., 09.2021, In: Lipids. 56, 5, p. 485-498 14 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Sources and pathways of biocides and their transformation products in urban storm water infrastructure of a 2 ha urban district

    Linke, F., Olsson, O., Preusser, F., Kümmerer, K., Schnarr, L., Bork, M. & Lange, J., 20.08.2021, In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 25, 8, p. 4495-4512 18 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Biodegradable green composites: It's never too late to mend

    Rafiee, K., Schritt, H., Pleissner, D., Kaur, G. & Brar, S. K., 01.08.2021, In: Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry. 30, 100482.

    Research output: Journal contributionsScientific review articlesResearch

  6. Published

    Towards the design of active pharmaceutical ingredients mineralizing readily in the environment

    Puhlmann, N., Mols, R., Olsson, O., Slootweg, J. C. & Kümmerer, K., 21.07.2021, In: Green Chemistry . 23, 14, p. 5006-5023 18 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsScientific review articlesResearch

  7. Published

    Reducing Environmental Pollution by Antibiotics through Design for Environmental Degradation

    Leder, C., Suk, M., Lorenz, S., Rastogi, T., Pfeifer, C., Kietzmann, M., Jonas, D., Buck, M., Pahl, A. & Kümmerer, K., 19.07.2021, In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 9, 28, p. 9358–9368 11 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    Concentrations and sources of methylxanthines in a Northern German river system

    Löher, F., Palm, W. U., Schaffer, M. & Olsson, O., 25.06.2021, In: Science of the Total Environment. 775, 145898.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    The new European database for chemicals of concern: How useful is SCIP for waste management?

    Friege, H., Zeschmar-Lahl, B., Kummer, B. & Wagner, J., 01.06.2021, In: Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy. 21, 100430.

    Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Ein Unterstützungsraster zur Planung und Reflexion inklusiven naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts

    González, L. F., Fühner, L., Sührig, L., Weck, H., Weirauch, K. & Abels, S., 06.2021, Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik und Inklusion. Abels, S., Hundertmark, S., Nehring, A., Schildknecht, R., Seremet, V. & Sun, X. (eds.). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa Verlag, p. 191-215 25 p.

    Research output: Contributions to collected editions/worksContributions to collected editions/anthologiesEducationpeer-review

  11. Published

    Experimentieren 4.0 – Zum Einsatz von Experimenten im Biologieunterricht

    Stinken-Rösner, L., 06.2021, In: Digital unterrichten. Biologie. 2021, 6, p. 3-3 1 p.

    Research output: Journal contributionsComments / Debate / ReportsEducation