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  1. Zeitschriftenaufsätze › Forschung › begutachtet
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    The impacts of rare disasters on asset returns and risk premiums in advanced economies (1870–2015)

    NguyenHuu, T., 01.03.2022, in: Finance Research Letters. 45, 7 S., 102118.

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  3. Erschienen

    The impacts of social-ecological system change on human-nature connectedness: A case study from Transylvania, Romania

    Balázsi, Á., Riechers, M., Hartel, T., Leventon, J. & Fischer, J., 01.12.2019, in: Land Use Policy. 89, 104232.

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  4. The implications of central bank transparency for uncertainty and disagreement

    Jitmaneeroj, B., Lamla, M. J. & Wood, A., 01.02.2019, in: Journal of International Money and Finance. 90, S. 222-240 19 S.

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  5. Erschienen

    The Importance of Being First: Exploring Priority and Diversity Effects in a Grassland Field Experiment

    Weidlich, E. W. A., Von Gillhaussen, P., Delory, B., Blossfeld, S., Poorter, H. & Temperton, V. M., 05.01.2017, in: Frontiers in Plant Science. 7, 12 S., 2008.

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  6. The Importance of Citizen Scientists in the Move Towards Sustainable Diets and a Sustainable Food System

    Oakden, L., Bridge, G., Armstrong, B., Reynolds, C., Wang, C., Panzone, L., Rivera, X. S., Kause, A., Ffoulkes, C., Krawczyk, C., Miller, G. & Serjeant, S., 20.09.2021, in: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 5, 9 S., 596594.

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  7. Erschienen

    The importance of ecosystem services for rural inhabitants in a changing cultural landscape in Romania

    Hartel, T., Fischer, J., Câmpeanu, C., Milcu, A. I., Hanspach, J. & Fazey, I., 01.01.2014, in: Ecology and Society. 19, 2, 9 S., 42.

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  8. Erschienen

    The importance of product lifetime labelling for purchase decisions: Strategic implications for corporate sustainability based on a conjoint analysis in Germany

    Jacobs, K. & Hörisch, J., 01.05.2022, in: Business Strategy and the Environment. 31, 4, S. 1275-1291 17 S.

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  9. Erschienen

    The Importance of School Leaders’ Attitudes and Health Literacy to the Implementation of a Health-Promoting Schools Approach

    Betschart, S., Sandmeier, A., Skedsmo, G., Hascher, T., Okan, O. & Dadaczynski, K., 11.11.2022, in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19, 22, 15 S., 14829.

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  10. Erschienen

    The importance of school leaders in school health promotion. A European call for systematic integration of health in professional development

    Leksy, K., Gawron, G., Rosário, R., Sormunen, M., Velasco, V., Sandmeier, A., Simovska, V., Wojtasik, T. & Dadaczynski, K., 04.01.2024, in: Frontiers in Public Health. 11, 6 S., 1297970.

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  11. The Inada conditions for material resource inputs reconsidered

    Baumgärtner, S., 11.2004, in: Environmental and Resource Economics. 29, 3, S. 307-322 16 S.

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  12. Erschienen

    The Increasing Involvement of Accountants in Corporate Sustainability Management

    Zvezdov, D., Schaltegger, S. & Bennett, M., 2010, in: Journal of the Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Accountability. 16, 4, S. 20-31 12 S.

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  13. The Indian Sundarban Mangrove Forests: History, Utilization, Conservation Strategies and Local Perception

    Ghosh, A., Schmidt, S., Fickert, T. & Nüsser, M., 22.05.2015, in: Diversity. 7, 2, S. 149-169 21 S.

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  14. Erschienen

    The Influence of After-Sales Service Determinants on Brand Loyalty Within the Premium Automotive Industry: An Empirical Comparison of Three Countries

    Hünecke, P. & Gunkel, M., 2012, in: Service Science. 4, 4, S. 365-381 17 S.

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  15. Erschienen

    The influence of age and sex on speed–strength performance in children between 10 and 14 years of age

    Warneke, K., Wagner, C. M., Konrad, A., Kadlubowski, B., Sander, A., Wirth, K. & Keiner, M., 21.02.2023, in: Frontiers in Physiology. 14, 11 S., 1092874.

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  16. Erschienen

    The influence of agricultural system, stand structural complexity and landscape context on foraging birds in oil palm landscapes

    Azhar, B., Lindenmayer, D. B., Wood, J., Manning, A., McElhinny, C., Zakaria, M. & Fischer, J., 01.04.2013, in: Ibis. 155, 2, S. 297-312 16 S.

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  17. The influence of balanced and imbalanced resource supply on biodiversity-functioning relationship across ecosystems

    Lewandowska, A. M., Biermann, A., Borer, E. T., Cebrián-Piqueras, M. A., Declerck, S. A. J., De Meester, L., Van Donk, E., Gamfeldt, L., Gruner, D. S., Hagenah, N., Harpole, W. S., Kirkman, K. P., Klausmeier, C. A., Kleyer, M., Knops, J. M. H., Lemmens, P., Lind, E. M., Litchman, E., Mantilla-Contreras, J., Martens, K., Meier, S., Minden, V., Moore, J. L., Venterink, H. O., Seabloom, E. W., Sommer, U., Striebel, M., Trenkamp, A., Trinogga, J., Urabe, J., Vyverman, W., Van de Waal, D. B., Widdicombe, C. E. & Hillebrand, H., 19.05.2016, in: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 371, 1694, 9 S., 20150283.

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  18. Erschienen

    The influence of empowering leadership on repatriate knowledge transfer: Understanding mechanisms and boundary conditions

    Bucher, J., Burmeister, A., Osland, J. & Deller, J., 17.03.2022, in: The International Journal of Human Resource Management . 33, 7, S. 1437-1462 26 S.

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  19. Erschienen

    The influence of feedback and awareness of consequences on the development of corporate sustainability action over time

    Hörisch, J., Wulfsberg, I. M. & Schaltegger, S., 01.02.2020, in: Business Strategy and the Environment. 29, 2, S. 638 - 650 13 S.

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  20. The influence of group membership on cross-contextual imitation

    Genschow, O. & Schindler, S., 01.08.2016, in: Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 23, 4, S. 1257-1265 9 S.

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  21. Erschienen

    The influence of images on organizational attractiveness: comparing Chinese, Russian, and US companies in Germany

    Held, K. & Bader, B., 04.02.2018, in: The International Journal of Human Resource Management . 29, 3, S. 510-548 39 S.

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  22. Erschienen

    The influence of landscape change on multiple dimensions of human–nature connectedness

    Riechers, M., Balázsi, Á., Abson, D. J. & Fischer, J., 01.09.2020, in: Ecology and Society. 25, 3, S. 1-12 12 S., 3.

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  23. Erschienen

    The influence of laser shock peening on fatigue properties of AA2024-T3 alloy with a fastener hole

    Sikhamov, R., Fomin, F., Klusemann, B. & Kashaev, N., 09.04.2020, in: Metals. 10, 4, 13 S., 495.

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  24. Erschienen

    The influence of leaf litter diversity and soil fauna on initial soil erosion in subtropical forests

    Seitz, S., Goebes, P., Zumstein, P., Aßmann, T., Kühn, P., Niklaus, P. A., Schuldt, A. & Scholten, T., 15.09.2015, in: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 40, 11, S. 1439-1447 9 S.

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  25. Erschienen

    The Influence of Maximum Strength Performance in Seated Calf Raises on Counter Movement Jump and Squat Jump in Elite Junior Basketball Players

    Warneke, K., Keiner, M., Lohmann, L. H., Hillebrecht, M., Wirth, K. & Schiemann, S., 01.06.2022, in: Sport Mont. 20, 2, S. 63-68

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  26. Erschienen

    The Influence of National Culture on Business Students' Career Attitudes: An Analysis of Eight Countries

    Gunkel, M., Schlaegel, C., Langella, I. M., Peluchette, J. V. & Reshetnyak, E., 2013, in: German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management. 27, 1, S. 47-68 22 S.

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  27. Erschienen

    The influence of native versus exotic streetscape vegetation on the spatial distribution of birds in suburbs and reserves

    Ikin, K., Knight, E., Lindenmayer, D. B., Fischer, J. & Manning, A. D., 03.2013, in: Diversity and Distributions. 19, 3, S. 294-306 13 S.

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  28. The influence of observed body movements on consumer behavior

    Ineichen, S., Florack, A. & Genschow, O., 2009, in: Advances in Consumer Research. 36, S. 997-998 2 S.

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  29. The Influence of Personality on Students‘ Career Decisiveness – A Comparison between Chinese and German Economics and Management Student

    Gunkel, M. A. M. & Schlaegel, C., 01.01.2010, in: Management Revue. 21, 3, S. 229-243 15 S.

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  30. Erschienen

    The Influence of Political Engagement on Artistic Reputation. Self-Evaluations of Artists.

    Kirchberg, V., Hoop, M. & Kadar, M., 01.08.2023, in: Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy. 9, 1, S. 29-58 30 S.

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  31. Erschienen

    The influence of terrain age and altitude on the arthropod communities found on recently deglaciated terrain

    Franzen, M. & Dieker, P., 01.04.2014, in: Current Zoology. 60, 2, S. 203-220 18 S.

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  32. The Influence of Terrorism on Expatriate Performance: a Conceptual Approach

    Bader, B. & Berg, N., 21.02.2014, in: The International Journal of Human Resource Management . 25, 4, S. 539-557 19 S.

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  33. Erschienen

    The influence of the radial internal clearance on the dynamic response of self-aligning ball bearings

    Ambrożkiewicz, B., Syta, A., Gassner, A., Georgiadis, A., Litak, G. & Meier, N., 15.05.2022, in: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 171, 108954.

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  34. The influence of threat on perceived spatial distance to out-group members

    Fini, C., Verbeke, P., Sieber, S., Moors, A., Brass, M. & Genschow, O., 01.04.2020, in: Psychological Research. 84, 3, S. 757-764 8 S.

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  35. Erschienen

    The influence of time headway on subjective driver states in adaptive cruise control

    Siebert, F., Oehl, M. & Pfister, H-R., 07.2014, in: Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 25, A, S. 65-73 9 S.

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  36. Erschienen

    The influence of travel company reputation on online travel decisions

    Horster, E., 2011, in: e-Review of Tourism Research. 9, 3, S. 107-113 7 S.

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  37. Erschienen

    The Information-anchoring model of first-offers: When moving first helps versus hurts negotiators

    Loschelder, D. D., Trötschel, R., Swaab, R. I., Friese, M. & Galinsky, A. D., 01.07.2016, in: Journal of Applied Psychology. 101, 7, S. 995-1012 18 S.

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  38. Erschienen

    The insurance value of biodiversity in the provision of ecosystem services

    Baumgärtner, S., 03.2007, in: Natural Resource Modeling. 20, 1, S. 87-127 41 S.

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  39. Erschienen

    The Integration of Wheelchair Users in Team Handball

    Greve, S., Heisler, S., von Keutz, P., Shirdel, B. & Fasold, F., 14.12.2021, in: Sports. 9, 12, 14 S., 168.

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  40. Erschienen

    The intention to quit apprenticeships and the role of secondary jobs

    Seidel, K., 02.10.2019, in: Journal of Vocational Education and Training. 71, 4, S. 556-578 23 S.

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  41. Erschienen

    The Interaction of Global Value Chains and Rural Livelihoods: The case of smallholder raspberry growers in Chile

    Challies, E. R. T. & Murray, W. E., 01.2011, in: Journal of Agrarian Change. 11, 1, S. 29-59 31 S.

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  42. The interaction of precipitation and deformation in a binary Mg-Ca alloy at elevated temperatures

    Lalpoor, M., Miroux, A., Mendis, C. L., Hort, N. & Offerman, S. E., 15.07.2014, in: Materials Science and Engineering A. 609, S. 116-124 9 S.

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  43. Erschienen

    The International Climate Psychology Collaboration: Climate change-related data collected from 63 countries

    Doell, K. C., Todorova, B., Vlasceanu, M., Bak Coleman, J. B., Pronizius, E., Schumann, P., Azevedo, F., Patel, Y., Berkebile-Wineberg, M. M., Brick, C., Lange, F., Grayson, S. J., Pei, Y., Chakroff, A., van den Broek, K. L., Lamm, C., Vlasceanu, D., Constantino, S. M., Rathje, S., Goldwert, D., Fang, K., Aglioti, S. M., Alfano, M., Alvarado-Yepez, A. J., Andersen, A., Anseel, F., Apps, M. A. J., Asadli, C., Awuor, F. J., Basaglia, P., Bélanger, J. J., Berger, S., Bertin, P., Białek, M., Bialobrzeska, O., Blaya-Burgo, M., Bleize, D. N. M., Bø, S., Boecker, L., Boggio, P. S., Borau, S., Borau, S., Bos, B., Bouguettaya, A., Brauer, M., Brik, T., Briker, R., Brosch, T., Buchel, O., Buonauro, D., Butalia, R., Carvacho, H., Chamberlain, S. A. E., Chan, H. Y., Chow, D., Chung, D., Cian, L., Cohen-Eick, N., Contreras-Huerta, L. S., Contu, D., Cristea, V., Cutler, J., D'Ottone, S., De Keersmaecker, J., Delcourt, S., Delouvée, S., Diel, K., Douglas, B. D., Drupp, M. A., Dubey, S., Ekmanis, J., Elbaek, C. T., Elsherif, M., Engelhard, I. M., Escher, Y. A., Etienne, T. W., Farage, L., Farias, A. R., Feuerriegel, S., Findor, A., Freira, L., Friese, M., Gains, N. P., Gallyamova, A., Geiger, S. J., Genschow, O., Gjoneska, B., Gkinopoulos, T., Goldberg, B., Goldenberg, A., Gradidge, S., Grassini, S., Gray, K., Grelle, S., Griffin, S. M., Grigoryan, L., Grigoryan, A., Grigoryev, D., Gruber, J., Guilaran, J., Hadar, B., Hahnel, U. J. J., Halperin, E., Harvey, A. J., Haugestad, C. A. P., Herman, A. M., Hershfield, H. E., Himichi, T., Hine, D. W., Hofmann, W., Howe, L., Huaman-Chulluncuy, E. T., Huang, G., Ishii, T., Ito, A., Jia, F., Jost, J. T., Jovanović, V., Jurgiel, D., Kácha, O., Kankaanpää, R., Kantorowicz, J., Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, E., Mintz, K. K., Kaya, I., Kaya, O., Khachatryan, N., Klas, A., Klein, C., Klöckner, C. A., Koppel, L., Kosachenko, A. I., Kothe, E. J., Krebs, R., Krosch, A. R., Krouwel, A. P. M., Kyrychenko, Y., Lagomarsino, M., Cunningham, J. L., Lees, J., Leung, T. Y., Levy, N., Lockwood, P. L., Longoni, C., Ortega, A. L., Loschelder, D. D., Lu, J. G., Luo, Y., Luomba, J., Lutz, A. E., Majer, J. M., Markowitz, E., Marsh, A. A., Mascarenhas, K. L., Mbilingi, B., Mbungu, W., McHugh, C., Meijers, M. H. C., Mercier, H., Mhagama, F. L., Michalaki, K., Mikus, N., Milliron, S. G., Mitkidis, P., Monge-Rodríguez, F. S., Mora, Y. L., Morais, M. J., Moreau, D., Motoki, K., Moyano, M., Mus, M., Navajas, J., Nguyen, T. L., Nguyen, D. M., Nguyen, T., Niemi, L., Nijssen, S. R. R., Nilsonne, G., Nitschke, J. P., Nockur, L., Okura, R., Öner, S., Özdoğru, A. A., Palumbo, H., Panagopoulos, C., Panasiti, M. S., Pärnamets, P., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Pavlov, Y. G., Payán-Gómez, C., Pearson, A. R., da Costa, L. P., Petrowsky, H. M., Pfattheicher, S., Pham, N. T., Ponizovskiy, V., Pretus, C., Rêgo, G. G., Reimann, R., Rhoads, S. A., Riano-Moreno, J., Richter, I., Röer, J. P., Rosa-Sullivan, J., Ross, R. M., Sabherwal, A., Saito, T., Sarrasin, O., Say, N., Schmid, K., Schmitt, M. T., Schoenegger, P., Scholz, C., Schug, M. G., Schulreich, S., Shreedhar, G., Shuman, E., Sivan, S., Sjåstad, H., Soliman, M., Soud, K., Spampatti, T., Sparkman, G., Spasovski, O., Stanley, S. K., Stern, J. A., Strahm, N., Suko, Y., Sul, S., Syropoulos, S., Taylor, N. C., Tedaldi, E., Tinghög, G., Huynh, L. D. T., Travaglino, G. A., Tsakiris, M., Tüter, İ., Tyrala, M., Uluğ, Ö. M., Urbanek, A., Valko, D., van der Linden, S., van Schie, K., van Stekelenburg, A., Vanags, E., Västfjäll, D., Vesely, S., Vintr, J., Vranka, M., Wanguche, P. O., Willer, R., Wojcik, A. D., Xu, R., Yadav, A., Zawisza, M., Zhao, X., Zhao, J., Żuk, D. & Van Bavel, J. J., 01.10.2024, in: Scientific data. 11, 1, 17 S., 1066.

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  44. The International legal framework for post-brexit eez fisheries access between the United Kingdom and the european union

    Schatz, V. J., 02.2020, in: International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law. 35, 1, S. 133-162 30 S.

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  45. The interplay between posture control and memory for spatial locations

    Riley, M. A., Mitra, S., Saunders, N., Kiefer, A. W. & Wallot, S., 01.03.2012, in: Experimental Brain Research. 217, 1, S. 43-52 10 S.

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  46. Erschienen

    The Interplay Between Supply Chain Transparency and NGO Pressure: A Quantitative Analysis in the Fashion Industry Context

    Schäfer, N., Petersen, L. & Hörisch, J., 07.2024, in: Journal of Business Ethics. 192, 4, S. 713-727 15 S.

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  47. Erschienen

    The interplay of eco-labels and price Cues: Empirical evidence from a large-scale field experiment in an online fashion store

    Feuß, S., Fischer-Kreer, D., Majer, J., Kemper, J. & Brettel, M., 01.11.2022, in: Journal of Cleaner Production. 373, 133707.

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  48. Elektronische Veröffentlichung vor Drucklegung

    The interplay of social rank perceptions of Trump and Biden and emotions following the U.S. presidential election 2020

    Boecker, L., Petrowsky, H. M., Loschelder, D. D. & Lange, J., 26.07.2024, (Elektronische Veröffentlichung vor Drucklegung) in: Cognition and Emotion. 19 S.

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  49. The Inverse Domino Effect: Are Economic Reforms Contagious?*

    Gassebner, M., Gaston, N. & Lamla, M. J., 24.02.2011, in: International Economic Review. 52, 1, S. 183-200 18 S.

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  50. Erschienen

    The inverse hockey stick effect: an empirical investigation of the fiscal calendar’s impact on firm inventories

    Hoberg, K., Badorf, F. & Lapp, L., 18.08.2017, in: International Journal of Production Research. 55, 16, S. 4601-4624 24 S.

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  51. Erschienen

    The Invisualities of Capture in Amazon’s Logistical Operations

    Beverungen, A., 01.08.2022, in: Digital Culture & Society. 7, 2, S. 185-202 18 S.

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