Browse by research area

  1. Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Verfahrens zur Ermittlung von DaZ-Fördereffekten

    Webersik, J., Rösch, H. & Stanat, P.


    Project: Dissertation project

  2. Pragmatics of Discourse. Handbook of Pragmatics III

    Barron, A. & Schneider, K. P.


    Project: Research

  3. Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics

    Barron, A., Grundy, P. & Yueguo, G.


    Project: Research

  4. Variational Pragmatics: Regional variation across the Englishes

    Barron, A. & Schneider, K. P.

    01.01.20 → …

    Project: Research

  5. Tag questions across the Englishes

    Barron, A. & Pandarova, I.


    Project: Research

  6. The pragmatics of Irish English

    Barron, A. & Schneider, K. P.

    01.01.20 → …

    Project: Research

  7. Teaching pragmatics with textbooks

    Barron, A.

    01.07.12 → …

    Project: Research

  8. Sprachförderliche Merkmale der Lehrersprache

    Mahler, I. & Neumann, A.


    Project: Dissertation project

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