Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

Anna Lisa Ramella - Speaker

This two-channel video presents an experiment to grasp the rhythms shaping mobile and immobile settings of a music tour. It was presented as installation on two screens in October 2017 as part of the exhibition "Senses of Belonging" at FU Berlin.
The installation explores two levels of attuning - in sound and in movement - by tracing practices as rhythmic and arhythmic elements on a music tour. In an attempt to parallelize the diverse attunements audiovisually, viewers are invited to experience processes towards reaching a state of comfort and belonging, bodily and sonically.
All sound was recorded on location during the fall 2016 EU-Tour of the band BRONCHO.
Big thanks to my friends Penny, Nathan, Ryan, Ben and Gavin for taking me on tour.


Die DGV-Tagung 2017: Zugehörigkeiten: Affektive, moralische und politische Praxen in einer vernetzten Welt


Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Event: Conference