Institute of Management and Organization
Organisational unit: Institute
- Junior professorship for business administration, in particular digital transformation
- Junior professorship for Psychology, in particular Social Transformation
- Junior Professorship of Psychology, in particular the Transformation of the World of Work
- Professorship for Business Administration, in particular Business in Society
- Professorship for Business Administration, in particular Entrepreneurship and Organization Studies
- Professorship for business administration, in particular Entrepreneurship, Organization, and Culture
- Professorship for Business Administration, in Particular Innovation Management
- Professorship for Business Administration, in Particular Organization Studies
- Professorship for Business Management, in Particular Communication and Cultural Management
- Professorship for Business Psychology, in Particular Differential Psychology and Aptitude Diagnostics
- Professorship for Marketing
- Professorship for Psychology, in particular Cognitive-, Social- and Economic Psychology
- Professorship for Psychology, in particular Entrepreneurship
- Professorship for Psychology, in Particular Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Professorship of Business Administration, in Particular Human Resources Management and Human Resources Controlling
- Professorship of Business Administration, in particular Social & Sustainable Entrepreneurship
- Professorship of business and social psychology & methods
- Professorship of Business Management, in particular Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship
- Professorship of Work- and Organizational Psychology
Organisation profile
Organizations play a key role in our society. People create organizations to implement their plans and attain their goals. Organizations provide the structure that allows people to work towards common goals in a collaborative manner. Such collaborative efforts take place in for-profit or non-profit as well as in governmental or non-governmental organizations.
What We Do and Why
At the Institute of Management and Organization (IMO), we see it as a great responsibility to help people create, manage, and develop organizations. This includes the management and development of people working in organizations. Moreover, we believe that the management and development of organizations and people must comprehensively feature economic, ecological, social, and psychological aspects. Only such a comprehensive perspective allows to develop organizations and enrich people's lives in a meaningful manner.
Three activities are central to manage and develop organizations and the people in organizations. First, we need to understand key drivers and processes of an effective and sustainable development of people and organizations. Second, we need to incorporate this understanding of key drivers and processes in our training of future leaders and managers. Our aim is to equip students with the latest scientific know-how about managing and developing people and organizations. Third, we need to inform current practitioners about new scientific insights to continuously improve the practices implemented in organizations. Therefore, the IMO equally emphasizes the three activities: research to better understand, teaching to better train, and transfer to better inform.
The IMO combines the areas of strategy, organizational behavior, work & organizational psychology, and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the institute integrates the fields of business administration and psychology to take an interdisciplinary perspective. Such an interdisciplinary perspective is important to fully embrace the dynamics of people and organizations. State-of-the-art approaches emphasize a close integration of both disciplines. Furthermore, the members of the institute understand themselves as an active part in the global context incorporating a strong international orientation in their research, teaching, and transfer activities.
Main research areas
At IMO, we want to achieve a better understanding. Specifically, we want to advance the theoretical understanding of managing and developing organizations and the people in the organizations by conducting research on strategy, management, entrepreneurship, innovation, and HR management. Furthermore, we believe that only research in line with the highest academic standards leads to scientific advancements that are meaningful for developing people and organizations.
Therefore, the institute is dedicated to research that is excellent with regard to the theoretical, conceptual, and methodological approach. We regard publishing in international top tier journals and conferences as a benchmark of excellence in research. Furthermore, we consider quantitative and qualitative research as complementary in identifying the drivers and processes of successfully managing and developing organizations and the people in organizations.
The members of the institute are widely acknowledged as internationally high profile scholars and prolific experts in the areas of strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, organizational behavior, and (international) HR management. They combine expertise from the domains of business administration and psychology. They have published their research in international top tier entrepreneurship and management journals.
At IMO, we engage in collaborative initiatives and joint research projects. We bundle resources and foster a climate of permanent (formal and informal) exchange of ideas. The results are large research projects, for example on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship trainings, entrepreneurial learning from failures, global mobility, and integrating refugees into the workforce.
The research projects of the institute have a strong international orientation. The research collaborations of the institute span universities from countries across the globe (e.g., USA, East and West Africa, Asia). For example, the institute conducts research projects on:
- entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship trainings in several countries in East and West Africa, Asia, and Latin America;
- global leadership, selection, and development in collaboration with several international universities;
- topics of international business, in particular questions of global mobility, expatriate management, and international HR practices in countries around the globe.
- Published
2016 Emerald Africa Academy of Management Trailblazer Awardee
Frese, M., 02.07.2016, In: Africa Journal of Management. 2, 2, p. 230-233 4 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
A bait-and-switch model of corporate social responsibility
Haack, P., Martignoni, D. & Schoeneborn, D., 07.2021, In: Academy of Management Review. 46, 3, p. 440-464 25 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Ablauforganisation in Arztpraxen: eine Prozessanalyse auf der Basis der Warteschlangentheorie
Reese, J., Tiedemann, L. & Köther, I., 2008, Neue Ansätze der Mittelstandsforschung. Merz , J. & Schulte, R. (eds.). Münster, Westfalen: LIT Verlag, p. 21-38 18 p. (CREPS Entrepreneurship, Professions, Small Buseniss Economics; vol. 4).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research
- Published
Abonnements zur Senkung der Variabilität von Lagerbeständen: Eine Simulationsstudie
Koch, S. & Waage, M., 26.11.2013, In: Productivity Management. 18, 5, p. 15-18 4 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Abschied Beruf - Neubeginn Berufung: arbeitsbezogene Tätigkeiten im Ruhestand
Deller, J. & Wöhrmann, A. M., 01.2012, In: DIE. 19, 1/2012, p. 30-33 4 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research
- Published
Absenteeism as a Reaction to Harmful Behavior in the Workplace from a Stress Theory Point of View
Martin, A. & Matiaske, W., 2017, In: Management Revue. 28, 2, p. 227-254 28 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Absicht zur Erwerbstätigkeit im (zukünftigen) Ruhestand
Fasbender, U., Deller, J., Zohr, K., Büsch, V., Schermuly, C. & Mergenthaler, A., 2015, Mittendrin?: Lebenspläne und Potenziale älterer Menschen beim Übergang in den Ruhestand. Schneider, N., Mergenthaler, A., Staudinger, U. & Sackreuther, I. (eds.). 1 ed. Opladen: Verlag Babara Budrich, p. 121-137 17 p. (Beiträge zur Bevölkerungswissenschaft; vol. 47).Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Contributions to collected editions/anthologies › Research › peer-review
- Published
Academic discipline and risk perception of technologies: An empirical study
Weisenfeld, U. & Ott, I., 04.2011, In: Research Policy. 40, 3, p. 487-499 13 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Accelerators and organization studies: An introduction
Wenzel, M., 2022, Accelerators and Organization Studies: Problematizing the Status Quo. Wemzel, M. (ed.). Lüneburg: OS insights, p. 1-4 4 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Other › Research
- Published
Achieving consumer trust on Twitter via CSR communication
Kollat, J. & Farache, F., 2017, In: Journal of Consumer Marketing. 34, 6, p. 505-514 10 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review