Browse by research area

  1. GET.ON PAPP: Feasibility of a mobile application for panic with and without agoraphobia

    Lara Ebenfeld (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  2. 11. Kongress der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie - DGPs 2013

    David Daniel Ebert (Moderator)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  3. 11. Kongress der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie - DGPs 2013

    Dirk Lehr (Moderator)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  4. 11. Kongress der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie - DGfP 2013

    Stephanie Nobis (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  5. 14. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie - FGSP 2013

    Johann Martin Majer (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  6. It’s hard to part with gains, but what about losses. Contribution and Distribution of Benefits and Burdens in Integrative Negotiations

    Benjamin Höhne (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  7. Small Group Meeting of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology - EAWOP 2013

    Kathrin Rosing (presenter)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  8. 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - AOM 2013

    Kathrin Rosing (Chair)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  9. Individual error management – Antecedents and its impact on performance

    Kathrin Rosing (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Education

  10. The temporal dynamics of ambidextrous leadership for innovation: A diary study

    Kathrin Rosing (presenter)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  11. 13th European Congress of Psychology - ECP 2013

    Romina Müller (Moderator)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  12. Changing learning environments at university? Comparing the learning strategies of non-traditional European students engaged in lifelong learning.

    Romina Müller (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  13. 26th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management - IACM 2013

    Johann Martin Majer (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  14. It’s hard to part with gains, but what about losses. Contribution and Distribution of Benefits and Burdens in Integrative Negotiations

    Benjamin Höhne (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  15. 3rd World Congress on Positive Psychology - IPPA 2013

    Corinna Peifer (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  16. E-Mental Health - Psychotherapie mit Hilfe neuer Medien

    Burkhardt Funk (Lecturer)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesTransfer

  17. Employment among elderly people - strategies and barriers

    Ulrike Fasbender (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  18. Effectiveness of web-based treatment for phobic outpatients on a waiting list for psychotherapy: preliminary short-term outcome data.

    Pim Cuijpers (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  19. 31. Symposium der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie - DGPs 2013

    David Daniel Ebert (Moderator)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  20. International Conference on Teaching and Learning - 2013

    Romina Müller (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  21. 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung - GFHF 2013

    Steffen Beiten (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  22. Healthcare Quality Forum - 2013

    Michael Frese (Keynote speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  23. Reviewer für das "Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie"

    Michael Ahlers (Reviewer)


    Activity: Other expert activitiesAcademic ConsultantResearch

  24. Careerist or Educational Aspirants? (Re)-entry of Female Students with Work Experience into Higher Education.

    Romina Müller (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  25. Lehrveranstaltung "Verhandeln I"

    Roman Trötschel (Speaker) & Benjamin Höhne (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationGuest lecturesEducation

  26. 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation - ICERI 2012

    Katharina Köhler (presenter)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  27. ESA Midterm Conference Sociology of Education

    Romina Müller (Speaker) & Katharina Köhler (presenter)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  28. 48. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention - DGSMP 2012

    Stephanie Nobis (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  29. Still different? A test of theories explaining higher educational aspirations of migrants

    Romina Müller (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  30. Zukunftsbezogene Kognitionen in Innovationsprojekten - eine intra- und interindividuelle Perspektive

    Kathrin Rosing (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  31. The Role of Social Cognitive Career Theory in Post-Retirement Career Planning

    Anne Marit Wöhrmann (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  32. Views on Antecedents and Outcomes of Post-Retirement Work in a German Aerospace Company

    Anne Marit Wöhrmann (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  33. Boon or Bane? Typing Speed in Online Negotiations

    Benjamin Höhne (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  34. Never gonna give you up! Better gonna take you back? Negotiating Benefits and Burdens in Common Resource Negotiations

    Benjamin Höhne (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  35. Annual Conference of the Forum for Acces and Continuiting Education - FACE conference 2012

    Steffen Beiten (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  36. 6th European Conference on Positive Psychology - ECPP 2012

    Corinna Peifer (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  37. 2nd meeting of the International TVA network 2012

    Ingrid Scharlau (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  38. The 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping - OHBM 2012

    Kai Zhang (Speaker), Sabine Aust (Speaker), Simone Grimm (Speaker) & Malek Bajbouj (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  39. 30. Symposium klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der DGPs Fachgruppe klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie 2012

    Stephanie Nobis (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  40. 47. Jahrestagung der DDG - Diabetes Kongress 2012

    Stephanie Nobis (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  41. Magstim Neuroscience Conference and Workshop (Oxford) 2012

    Kai Zhang (Participant)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventExternal workshops, courses, seminarsResearch

  42. The Second International Symposium on Biology of Decision Making

    Christoph Korn (Speaker), Yan Fan (Speaker), Kai Zhang (Speaker), Chenbo Wang (Speaker), Shihui Han (Speaker) & Hauke Heekeren (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  43. Tagung und Ausstellung: Gleichzeitigkeit: Modelle der Simultaneität in den Wissenschaften und Künsten. 2012

    Ingrid Scharlau (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  44. Alcohol myopia as a mechanism for the effect of alcohol on goal commitment

    Timur Sevincer (Speaker), Gabriele Oettingen (Coauthor) & Tobias Lerner (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  45. positive future fantasies reduce physiological energization instantly and over time

    Gabriele Oettingen (Speaker), Timur Sevincer (Coauthor) & Heather Barry Kappers (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  46. 43rd European Brain and Behaviour Society Meeting - 2011

    Corinna Peifer (presenter)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  47. 16th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology - EAESP 2011

    Roman Trötschel (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  48. 2. Symposium Positive Psychologie - 2011

    Michael Frese (Keynote speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  49. 24th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management - IACM 2011

    Benjamin Höhne (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  50. 24th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management - IACM 2011

    Roman Trötschel (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  51. Research Synthesis 2018

    Carolin Schuster (Speaker), Lisa Pinkowski (Coauthor) & Daniel Fischer (Coauthor)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  52. 2nd World Congress on Positive Psychology - IPPA 2011

    Corinna Peifer (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  53. 37. Tagung "Psychologie und Gehirn" 2011

    Corinna Peifer (presenter)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  54. EAWOP Small Group Meeting - 2011

    Kathrin Rosing (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  55. Health Education (Journal)

    Peter Paulus (Editorial Board)

    2011 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditor of journalsResearch

  56. Personal (Journal)

    Andreas Hirschi (Reviewer)

    2011 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPeer review of publicationenResearch

  57. Differentielle Bedingungen für kreative versus effiziente Teamleistung

    Kathrin Rosing (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  58. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie

    Ronald Bledow (Speaker) & Kathrin Rosing (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  59. Der Einfluss des Flow-Erlebens auf die Leistung in komplexen Mehrfachaufgaben bei experimentell induziertem Stress

    Corinna Peifer (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  60. Der moderierende Einfluss der Handlungs- und Lageorientierung auf Leistung unter Stress in komplexen Mehrfachaufgaben

    Corinna Peifer (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  61. Alkohol führt zu leeren Zielbindungen

    Timur Sevincer (Speaker) & Gabriele Oettingen (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  62. 7th World Congress on Stress - 2010

    Corinna Peifer (presenter)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  63. Phases of innovation - Do they exist?

    Kathrin Rosing (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  64. 5th European Conference on Positive Psychology - 2010

    Corinna Peifer (presenter)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  65. 36. Tagung "Psychologie und Gehirn" - 2010

    Corinna Peifer (presenter)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  66. Anticipating Barriers and Success: Does it Promote Creativity?

    Kathrin Rosing (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  67. The Paradox of Innovation Championing: Deviating from the Social Context

    Kathrin Rosing (presenter)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  68. The Concept of Flow: Toward a Scientific Integration

    Corinna Peifer (presenter)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  69. 3rd IRTG-Autumn School of Psychobiology 2009

    Corinna Peifer (Participant)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  70. Auswirkungen von Lärm und sozialem Stress auf das Beanspruchungserleben bei der Bearbeitung komplexer Mehrfachaufgaben

    Corinna Peifer (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  71. Anticipating Success and Barriers: A Field Study on Innovation Performance in R&D Teams

    Kathrin Rosing (Coauthor)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  72. Die Paradoxie des Innovation Championings: Wenn Handeln und Kontext im Widerspruch stehen

    Kathrin Rosing (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationConference PresentationsResearch

  73. Journal of Business Venturing (Journal)

    Michael Frese (Editor)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditor of journalsResearch

  74. 14th European Congress of Work- and Organizational Psychology 2009

    Corinna Peifer (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  75. The Dark Side of Mindfulness - Why Mindfulness Interventions Are Not Benefical for Everyone

    Kathrin Rosing (presenter)


    Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

  76. XV General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology - EAESP 2008

    Roman Trötschel (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  77. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie e.V. (External organisation)

    Poldi Kuhl (Full member)

    2008 → …

    Activity: MembershipLearned societies and special interest organisationsResearch

  78. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie in der DGPs - 2007

    Corinna Peifer (Coauthor)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  79. Meeting at the Dispute Resolution Research Center (DRRC) 2007

    Roman Trötschel (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  80. Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management - IACM 2006

    Roman Trötschel (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  81. 14th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology - EAESP 2005

    Roman Trötschel (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  82. 18th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management - IACM 2005

    Roman Trötschel (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  83. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie

    Roman Trötschel (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic eventConferencesResearch

  84. Peter Lang Verlag (Publisher)

    Dagmar Knorr (Editor)

    1997 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditor of seriesResearch

  85. Kohlhammer Verlag GmbH (Publisher)

    Maria Salisch (Editor)

    1990 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditor of seriesTransfer

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