The Linguistic Complexity of Test Items: Differential Effects for Students With Low and High Language Proficiency
Aktivität: Vorträge und Gastvorlesungen › Konferenzvorträge › Forschung
Dominik Leiß - Sprecher*in
Timo Ehmke - Sprecher*in
- Professur für empirische Bildungsforschung in der Didaktik der Mathematik
- Zentrum für empirische Forschung zu Sprache und Bildung (ERLE)
- Zukunftszentrum Lehrkräftebildung (ZZL)
- Professur für Erziehungswissenschaft, insbesondere empirische Bildungsforschung
With this study, we contribute to the research on the role of language in assessment. In this study, we employed an experimental study design (N = 1346 students) that systematically modified the linguistic complexity of test items in the field of mathematical word problems. Our results show that teachers expected a test question’s increased linguistic complexity to have a high impact on the item difficulty (d = 0.75). The effect of varying the linguistic complexity on a test item difficulty, based on student results, is much lower (d = 0.12). A statistically significant moderation effect indicates that students with low language proficiency are more hindered by linguistic complexity than students with high language proficiency.
AERA conference 2020
17.04.20 → 21.05.20
USA / Vereinigte StaatenVeranstaltung: Konferenz