Zum Verbalisierungsdilemma bei der Erfassung der situationsspezifischen Fähigkeiten von Lehrkräften. Am Beispiel der Domäne Deutsch als Zweitsprache.

Research output: Journal contributionsJournal articlesResearchpeer-review


Test designs using tasks that mirror actual classroom demands are understood to predict teaching performance rather closely. Based on a methodological triangulation of empirical data from a video-based competence test, however, this article deals with a potential validity issue regarding the measurement of situation-specific skills of pre- and in-service teachers of all subjects as indicators of their competence in linguistically responsive teaching. The performance-oriented test design does not use closed items, but asks for maximally open oral responses: a verbalized perception is followed by a verbalized immediate (re-)action. The responses of n = 124 pre- and in-service teachers point towards a dilemma concerning the demand of verbalizing perceptions: The results show that the former seems to be more difficult than verbalizing immediate reactions, while the relation between both skills emerges as complicated. The nature of the dilemma is described both theoretically and empirically and thereafter put into a broader context, all the while using results from research on teachers’ expertise. Finally, consequences for measuring competences in video-based test designs are discussed.
Translated title of the contributionIndications of a verbalization dilemma in the assessment of teachers’ situation-specific skills: Illustrated using the domain of German as a Second Language
Original languageGerman
JournalZeitschrift für Bildungsforschung
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)175-190
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 01.08.2020

Bibliographical note

Open Access funding provided by Projekt DEAL.
