Strengthening online resesarch competences - development of a digital teaching / Learning concept to convey an application-oriented implementation of online research using software tools

Project: Research

Project participants


The goal of the OnResToCom project is to systematize the knowledge about the use of software tools in online research and to strengthen online research competencies of students and scientists. The development of a digital teaching/learning concept shall help to improve online research as part of the scientific work of students. The target groups (bachelor and master students, doctoral candidates) will be enabled to select and evaluate a software tool from a variety of learning and teaching resources for their individual needs. For this purpose, the software tools most frequently used in online research are first identified and, based on the results, an application-oriented teaching and learning concept with online tutorials and course videos is developed, tested and evaluated. The results will then be made available to the public free of charge as open source, for example on a Wiki platform. The BMBF-funded project OnResToCom is one of the projects awarded in the #SemesterHack in May 2020. The nationwide online hackathon on digital higher education was organized by the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD), the KI Campus and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The goal of the hackathon was to develop ideas and solutions for the challenges of the digital summer semester.

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