Research Centers

Organisational unit: Institution

1 - 49 out of 49Page size: 50
  1. Virtual Competence Centre for Setting up and Ensuring Businesses (VICO)

    Tegtmeier, S.


    Project: Transfer (Scientific Services)

  2. The potential spread of collaborative consumption practices in France and Germany

    Huber, A., Heinrichs, H., Wilhite, H. & Douzou, S.

    01.03.14 → …

    Project: Dissertation project

  3. The Evolution of Strategic Initiatives – A Systemic Perspective

    Lesner, M.


    Project: Dissertation project

  4. Textile-Transformation

    Beyers, F. & Heinrichs, H.


    Project: Dissertation project

  5. COMTESS: Sustainable Coastal Land Management: Trade-offs in Ecosystem Services

    Baumgärtner, S., Engler, J., Kleyer, M., Giani, L., Ahlhorn, F., Klenke, T., Selck, T. J., Stahl, J., Oumeraci, H., Bronstert, A., Jeltsch, F., Schröder, B., Glatzel, S., Miegel, K., Ahlheim, M. & Stoll-Kleemann, S.


    Project: Research

  6. Social Business & Entrepreneurship

    Krzeminska, A.


    Project: Research

  7. Plural Modes of Organization

    Krzeminska, A.


    Project: Research

  8. Language for Sustainability: Sustaining Biodiversity and Biocultures

    Manuel-Navarrete, D., Martín-López, B., Lam, D., Dillon-Swanson, T., Gerber, L., Mwampamba, T. H., Escalante, A. E. & Camou Guerreroe, A.


    Project: Research

  9. Land-use responses of dung beetle communities and their ecosystem services

    Aßmann, T., Blüthgen, N. & Schmitt, T.


    Project: Research

  10. INPLAMINT: Increasing agricultural nutrient-use efficiency by optimizing plant-soil-microorganism interactions

    Temperton, V., von Wehrden, H., Brüggemann, N., Rillig, M. C., Schloter, M., Müller-Lindenlauf, M., Bonkowski, M., Koller, R., Kage, H. & Armbruster, M.


    Project: Research

  11. Female Entrepreneurship -PI Training für Unternehmerinnen

    Frese, M., Brüning, T., Bischoff, K. M., Erning, E. & Hafner, M.


    Project: Research

  12. SaM: Die Stadt als Möglichkeitsraum

    Kirchberg, V., Kagan, S., Weisenfeld, U., Stoltenberg, U., Holz, V., Hauerwaas, A., Grigoleit, A. & Wedler, P.


    Project: Research

  13. Dauer der Frühentwicklungsphase

    Pakura, S. & Schulte, R.


    Project: Research

  14. Business Training and Firm Growth in Togo

    Frese, M. & Mensmann, M.


    Project: Research

  15. HEB: Academic partnership for the conservation of biodiversity

    Michelsen, G., Rieckmann, M., Adomßent, M., Timm, J., Cosio, E. & Timaná, M.


    Project: Transfer (R&D project)