Academic partnership for the conservation of biodiversity

Project: Transfer (R&D project)

Project participants


With this project, the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) and the Leuphana University of Lüneburg want to deepen and to institutionalize their existing cooperation. At the PUCP, a one-year training program will be jointly developed and offered in order to prepare teachers of this university for the integration of inter-and transdisciplinary engagement with questions of management, protection, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in educational programmes and for the implementation of appropriate teaching methods and approaches (e.g. inter-and transdisciplinarity, problem orientation). This training of teachers of various faculties of the PUCP will contribute to implement management, protection and conservation as well as sustainable use of biodiversity as an interdisciplinary cross-cutting issue in the teaching of PUCP. In addition, on this basis, the establishment of a study course for people who work at the local level in the field of management, protection and conservation of biodiversity (such as rangers in national parks, members of indigenous communities) will be prepared. In the context of the joint project is also planned the exchange of lecturers and students. Furthermore, the project will also facilitate a transfer of knowledge between scientists of the two universities who work in the field of biodiversity. The project aims to improve and further develop the curriculum for management, protection and conservation of biodiversity at the PUCP. This will contribute to the training of Peruvian specialists for the management, protection and conservation of biodiversity. In addition, at the PUCP the formation of an interdisciplinary research centre for biodiversity will be supported. Last but not least, it will be facilitated a dialogue and exchange of experience between the two universities as well as an extension of the horizon of experience of the people involved.



Research outputs