Employer Longevity Readiness Index Workshop: Session 2: How do you build a longevity readiness Index?

Aktivität: Vorträge und GastvorlesungenVorträge in anderen VeranstaltungenForschung

Jürgen Deller - Sprecher*in


We are delighted that you will join us as a moderator for the workshop on February 10, “Employer Longevity Readiness Index.” The workshop, organized by OECD, in partnership with AARP, brings together leading experts to shape a groundbreaking initiative.
The purpose of this note is to provide you with information about the event, the agenda, the conversation, and the participants.

The global workforce is undergoing a demographic transformation characterized by declining birth rates, longer life expectancies and extended working lives. This tightening labor market shift presents significant challenges to our supply chain systems and business operations. Despite the challenges, there are opportunities for businesses and economies to embrace and leverage the multigenerational workforce to navigate the future of work. Evidence gathered by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and AARP demonstrates that fostering effective multigenerational workforce strategies is key to driving business success, economic growth, as well as securing long-term economic mobility and financial security for millions of workers aged 50+.
Despite the clear benefits of age-diverse workforces, many companies are not prepared for longevity transition and struggle with implementing strategies to effectively recruit, retain, and support employees across all age groups. Moreover, evidence suggests that a comprehensive and coherent method for measuring progress toward an age-inclusive workplace remains elusive. Organizations frequently lack the necessary data, frameworks, and know-how to design and implement effective age-inclusive policies. Addressing these gaps is essential to enhance workforce productivity and sustain long-term economic vitality.
In response to these challenges, the forthcoming OECD Employer Longevity Readiness Index aims to provide businesses with a robust diagnostic tool to assess their age-inclusivity. OECD and AARP invite you to participate in the ideation and design of an Employer Longevity Readiness Index.
The core objective is to offer companies a structured approach to:
1. Identify Gaps: Pinpoint specific areas where policies and practices are lacking or ineffective.
2. Prioritize Improvement: Focus resources and efforts on high-impact areas.
3. Benchmark Progress: Evaluate performance relative to industry peers and broader sectors.
The benchmarking capabilities of the tool will be designed for internal company use, ensuring that sensitive performance data remain confidential.
The specific domains will be refined through consultations with industry stakeholders and alignment with international best practices.

Benchmarking and Sectoral Comparisons
One of the most valuable features of the Employer Longevity Readiness Index will be its benchmarking capability.
Companies will be able to compare their performance against:
● Sectoral Averages: Understand how they measure up within their industry.
● Peer Groups by Company Size: Gain insights into how similar-sized organizations are managing age diversity.
By leveraging comprehensive data, firms can adopt evidence-based strategies that enhance their competitiveness and sustainability.

Looking Ahead
What does a phase two of the Employer Longevity Readiness Index look like and which indicators should come into focus?
The following questions serve as a thought starter to continue the conversation and define momentum beyond the initial launch of the Index.
● In which ways does market competition impact employer longevity readiness?
● How are consumers shaping employer responses, especially in terms of workforce planning?

Session 2: How do you build a longevity readiness Index?
● Rhett Buttle, Founder & CEO, Public Private Strategies
● Stuart Andreason, Executive Director, Programs, Burning Glass Institute
● Juergen Deller, Director of Research, Silver Workers Research Institute, Leuphana University Lüneburg
● Brian Horn, Chief Operating Officer, Disability:IN
● Alison Omens, President, JUST Capital
Panelist Discussion Questions:
● Briefly introduce your index/work, highlighting key aspects relevant to older workers and longevity readiness.
● How did you design your framework and determine component weights? (e.g., theory vs. data constraints, expert advice vs. empirical evidence etc)
● How is your work used by stakeholders? What challenges have you faced in engaging them?
● What key lessons from different stages of the development of your work could inform the OECD’s upcoming work?
● What additional data sources could be used for the longevity readiness index?

Audience Discussion Questions:
● What kind of tool would be most useful for your organization/business?
● The OECD index will certainly rely on vacancy data to a significant extent. What aspects of a vacancy matter to attract a multi-generational workforce?
