diffractions and the (un-)making of difference - 2020
Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische Veranstaltungen › Externen Workshops, Kursen, Seminaren › Forschung
Rolf Großmann - Sprecher*in
At the end of the three-year project Transcultural Practices in Postmigrant Theatre and School – Method Mixing as Transmission, we would like to conclude with a symposium to present and discuss our case studies and research results with our cooperation partners and external guests. The aim of this symposium is to reflect on the methodology for the analysis of transcultural practices that was developed in this project and to discuss its relevance in current academic and socio-political discourses around migration and aesthetic formation and education.
23.01.2020 → 24.01.2020
diffractions and the (un-)making of difference - 2020
diffractions and the (un-)making of difference - 2020: transcultural practices in postmigrant theatre and in school
23.01.20 → 24.01.20
Kopenhagen, DänemarkVeranstaltung: Konferenz
- Musik - Sound Studies
- Didaktik der Kunst - Sound Studies