Teaching content and language in the multilingual classroom: International research on policy, perspectives, preparation and practice

Publikation: Bücher und AnthologienSammelwerke und AnthologienForschung


  • Svenja Hammer (Herausgeber*in)
  • Kara Mitchell Viesca (Herausgeber*in)
  • Nancy L. Commins (Herausgeber*in)

This book brings together research from six different countries across three continents where teacher educators and policy makers are addressing the under-preparation of content teachers to work effectively with multilingual learners. By highlighting this relatively young field of research at an international level, the book advances the research-based knowledge of the field and promotes international research relationships and partnerships to better support the education of multilingual learners and their teachers. The chapters represent high-quality empirical qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies about pre-service and in-service teachers. Comprising four sections, each represents a critical aspect of the equitable teaching of multilingual learners. All the research was conducted in countries that belong to OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) and the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) enabling the reader to compare contexts and outcomes. This book will be of particular interest to academics, researchers, and post-graduate students in the fields of language education, teacher education, and education for multilingual learners. It will be of great value to anyone concerned with equity and social justice for multilingual learners whose languages, cultural practices, and resources are often overlooked and/or marginalized in the schools they attend.

VerlagTaylor and Francis Inc.
Anzahl der Seiten201
ISBN (Print)9781138849310
ISBN (elektronisch)9780429860737
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 01.01.2019


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  2. Global assessment of the non-equilibrium theory of rangelands
  3. Buch 11: Justizielle Zusammenarbeit in der Europäischen Union
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  5. Buch 11: Justizielle Zusammenarbeit in der Europäischen Union
  6. Buch 11: Justizielle Zusammenarbeit in der Europäischen Union
  7. Umwelt-, Risiko-, Wissenschafts- und Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation
  8. Global patterns and drivers of alpine plant species richness
  9. Controlling invasive plant species in ecological restoration
  10. Industry Transformation through Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  11. Die Finanzierung des Flächenrecyclings durch Kreditinstitute
  12. Belastungserleben von Lehrkräften durch schulische Inklusion
  13. Relating the philosophy and practice of ecological economics
  14. Model-based logistic controlling of converging material flows
  15. Leuphana University Lüneburg and the sustainability challenge
  16. Multidimensional Performance Measurement Meets Sustainability
  17. The motivational benefits of specific versus general optimism.
  18. EU-Regulierung des öffentlichen Country by Country Reportings
  19. Das europäische Jahr 2010 gegen Armut und soziale Ausgrenzung
  20. Global assessment of the non-equilibrium concept in rangelands
  21. Kompetenzentwicklung von Lehramtsstudierenden sichtbar machen
  22. Importance of actors and agency in sustainability transitions
  23. The Impact of Corporate Governance on Corporate Tax Avoidance.
  24. Corporate Sustainability Management in Large German Companies
  25. Berufsorientierte Schreibkompetenz mithilfe von SRSD fördern
  26. Improving the end-of-life management of solar panels in Germany
  27. New Labor, Old Questions: Practices of Collaboration with Robots