Neural correlates of the enactment effect in the brain

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAbstracts in KonferenzbändenForschung


A better recall for subject-performed actions compared to similar action phrases encoded verbally is a well known phenomenon (e.g. Knopf & Neidhardt, 1989). There is an ongoing discussion about the basis of this so called enactment effect. Recent fMRI studies encour-aged theories which assume other mechanisms than just a motor modality effect. In the Russ et al. study (2004) brain activity for recognition of subject-performed vs. verbally en-coded action events was located in the gyrus supramarginalis, a structure that is involved in gesture production and related coding processes. The findings we want to present of two recent studies point to a structure nearby (gyrus angularis). Additionally, when com-paring target recognition to distractor rejection we consistently found activation in temporal brain areas that are not currently known to be related to episodic memory so long.
TitelBeiträge zur 49. Tagung Experimentell Arbeitender Psychologen : 26. bis 28. März 2007 in Trier
HerausgeberKarl F. Wender, Silvia Mecklenbräuker, Günter Daniel Rey, Thomas Wehr
Anzahl der Seiten1
VerlagPabst Science Publishers
ISBN (Print)978-3899673715, 3899673719
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2007
VeranstaltungTagung Experimentell Arbeitender Psychologen - TeaP 2007 - Trier
Dauer: 26.03.200728.03.2007
Konferenznummer: 49