Building Capacity for Climate Resilience and Sustainability in Cities

Project: Research

Project participants

  • Lang, Daniel J. (Project manager, academic)
  • John, Beatrice (Project manager, academic)
  • Wiek, Arnim (Project manager, academic)
  • Keeler, Lauren Withycombe (Project manager, academic)
  • Beaudoin, Fletcher D. (Project manager, academic)
  • Fink, Jon (Project manager, academic)
  • Shandas, Vivek (Project manager, academic)
  • Lerner, Amy (Project manager, academic)
  • Almasan, Oana (Project manager, academic)
  • Tamm, Kaidi (Project manager, academic)


City-university partnerships oriented toward sustainability capacity building: (i) impart knowledge and skills to city administrations, (ii) provide enthusiasm for sustainability solutions and (iii) create new organiziational infrastructure that can help cicties overcome the strucutal limitations that impede comprehensively addressing sustainability challenges. The Y2 continuation will build on insights from year 1, in particular what capacity needs to be built in the case cities and how tools can be transferred and adapted to build that capacity. The project will scale to include Leuphana University along with all year 1 partners (ASU, PSU, KIT and UNAM). Each university is partnered with a capacity building efforts aimed at climate resilience and the capacity of municipal governments to develop and implement plans, strategies, and projects to anticipate, mitigate and adapt to social and environmental disturbances while achieving sustainability goals.
In order to address the interdependent challenges of (1) the need for climate resilience and protection measures to be undertraken by city governments and (2) the need to develop the capacity of city administrations to implement such measures., the CapaCity projects seek as their primary sustainability impact the capacity among city partners to effectively implement sustainability and resilience plans, policies and projects.