Institute of Sustainable Chemistry

Organisational unit: Institute

Organisation profile

At the Institute of Sustainable Chemistry the research and teaching activities focus on Environmental Chemistry as well as Sustainable Chemistry. Environmental Chemistry focuses on studies regarding the environmental fate and behaviour of already existing chemicals, Sustainable Chemistry develops in a more holistic approach solutions that meet the criteria of sustainability.

In addition, the Institute for Sustainable Chemistry is also home to the didactics of natural sciences with its research and teaching activities in the profession of chemistry, biology and science education with the reference subject of natural sciences.



Main research areas

Key topics of our research field are as follows:

  • Sustainable Chemistry and Sustainable Pharmacy
  • Inclusive science education
  • Efficient use of biogenic resources
  1. Reaktionen zur thermochemischen Speicherung in einer Wärmebatterie

    Rammelberg, H. U. (Project manager, academic)


    Project: Dissertation project

  2. EnOB Leuphana: Energieoptimiertes Bauen: Klimaneutraler Campus Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

    Ruck, W. (Project manager, academic) & Keller, H. (Coordination)


    Project: Research

  3. Umweltauswirkungen von Umckaloabo

    Kümmerer, K. (Project manager, academic)


    Project: Research

  4. DBU-Sulfonamide: Verringerung des Eintrags an Tierarzneimitteln in die Umwelt mit besser abbaubaren Sulfonamiden

    Hamscher, G. (Coordination), Haiß, A. (Project staff), Kümmerer, K. (Partner), Kietzmann, M. (Partner), Höper, H. (Partner), Lattmann, J. (Partner, non-academic) & Jantzen, K. (Partner, non-academic)

    German Federal Environmental Foundation


    Project: Research