Going Green - Education for Sustainability in the EFL and STEM Classrooms

Aktivität: Vorträge und GastvorlesungenVorträge in anderen VeranstaltungenTransfer

Joannis Kaliampos - Sprecher*in

Torben Schmidt - Sprecher*in

Go­ing Green is a trans­at­lan­tic school pro­ject that fos­ters in­te­rest in in­no­va­ti­ve sustaina­bi­li­ty re­se­arch across the cur­ri­cu­lum in­clu­ding the hu­ma­nities, lan­gua­ges and STEM/​MINT sub­jects, to en­cou­ra­ge ci­vic en­ga­ge­ment, and de­ve­lop job qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons for young peop­le. It is part of the Mood­le-ba­sed blen­ded learning plat­form Teach About US. In this work­shop, par­ti­ci­pants will:
— ex­plo­re lo­cal and re­gio­nal case stu­dies of sustainable po­li­cies and ci­ti­zen ac­tion in the U.S.
— re­view a ful­ly de­ve­l­o­ped pro­ject cur­ri­cu­lum for teaching sustaina­bi­li­ty and Ame­ri­can stu­dies in the Eng­lish-lan­gua­ge class­room
— ana­ly­ze samp­le lear­ner pro­ducts and pro­ject ide­as by pre­vious par­ti­ci­pants
— ex­pe­ri­ment with hands-on in­ter­ac­tive teaching ma­te­ri­als and blen­ded learning tasks on a learning plat­form (a print-re­a­dy PDF ver­si­on is also avail­able), in­clu­ding ap­proa­ches to scaf­fold on­line col­la­bo­ra­ti­on in Eng­lish
— de­ve­lop ide­as to start their own trans­at­lan­tic sustaina­bi­li­ty pro­jects at their schools
More in­for­ma­ti­on: http://www.teachaboutus.org/ (tab “Go­ing Green”)


Going Green: Sustainable Development in North America


Lüneburg, Niedersachsen, Deutschland

Veranstaltung: Seminar