Going Green

Aktivität: Wissenschaftliche und künstlerische VeranstaltungenKonferenzenTransfer

Joannis Kaliampos - Organisator*in

Torben Schmidt - Organisator*in

Andreas Hübner - Organisator*in

Maria Moss - Organisator*in

Inga Cornelia Dwenger - Organisator*in

Micha Gerrit Philipp Edlich - Organisator*in

Andreas Hübner - Sprecher*in

Maria Moss - Sprecher*in

We in­vi­te all teachers of Eng­lish and bi­lin­gu­al Sci­ence, His­to­ry, So­ci­al Stu­dies, and Geo­gra­phy clas­ses to join us for a sym­po­si­um on sustainable de­ve­lop­ment in North Ame­ri­can cul­tu­re, li­te­ra­tu­re, and so­cie­ty as well as Eng­lish lan­gua­ge teaching.
The pro­gram fea­tures short in­put talks and hands-on work­shop ses­si­ons with re­a­dy-to-use and up-to-date teaching ide­as and class­room ma­te­ri­als. Con-tents are ali­gned with sta­te cur­ri­cu­la and Ab­itur exam to­pics for Eng­lish in Lo­wer Sa­x­o­ny and Ham­burg.
The event is or­ga­ni­zed by the In­sti­tu­te of Eng­lish Stu­dies.
Going Green


Going Green: Sustainable Development in North America


Lüneburg, Niedersachsen, Deutschland

Veranstaltung: Seminar

Zuletzt angesehen


  1. Tina Waschewski