Professorship for Business Management, in Particular Communication and Cultural Management

Organisational unit: Professoship

Organisation profile

The Chair of Business Administration, with emphasis on Communication and Cultural Management under the direction of Prof. Dr. Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, deals with questions of strategic corporate communication, in particular with questions that move executives and present them with new challenges.

Main research areas

Our research focuses on communication management and ranges from communication in the process of change, corporate perception and reputation, and branding to questions of communication management in cultural institutions, which are currently gaining particular relevance in view of the current dynamics in the cultural landscape. The basis of our research is an interdisciplinary theory formation, which includes economic-, social communication- and behavioural scientific findings as well as interdisciplinary aspects of cultural studies.

In the field of teaching, the chair is involved in numerous teaching programmes and courses at Bachelor, Master and doctoral level at Leuphana University. In addition, it is involved in the transfer of research into practice through numerous theory-practice concepts.

1 - 10 out of 45Page size: 10
  1. A multi-level model of CSR participation: Personal and organizational participation conditions from the employees' perspective

    Koch, C. (Project manager, academic) & Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S. (Project manager, academic)

    05.03.14 → …

    Project: Dissertation project

  2. ASA - Business relations in social work

    Jochims, T. (Project staff)

    01.01.19 → …

    Project: Research

  3. Bestimmung impliziter Motive der Weiterempfehlungsabgabe in Kulturinstitutionen - eine qualitative Studie

    Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S. (Project manager, academic) & Sikkenga, J. (Project manager, academic)


    Project: Research

  4. Besucherstudie Nationaltheater Mannheim

    Heinen, A. (Project manager, academic)

    01.01.12 → …

    Project: Transfer (Scientific Services)

  5. Besucherstudie Theater Lüneburg

    Heinen, A. (Project manager, academic)


    Project: Transfer (Scientific Services)

  6. CSR-Kommunikation: Einflussfaktoren der Glaubwürdigkeit

    Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S. (Project manager, academic) & Bögel, P. M. (Project manager, academic)


    Project: Dissertation project

  7. Der Countdown läuft

    Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S. (Project manager, academic) & Adam, U. (Project staff)


    Project: Transfer (professional training)

  8. Einfluss der Vertrauensentwicklung, unternehmerischer Wandel

    Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S. (Project manager, academic) & Eichenlaub, A. (Project staff)


    Project: Research

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