Institute of English Studies

Organisational unit: Institute

Organisation profile

At the interface of cultural studies and education, the Institute contributes to a number of different BA, MA and M.Ed. degree courses, e.g. Bachelor Lehren und Lernen, Master of Education, Leuphana Bachelor (Major Cultural Studies).

The Institute comprises the fields of English Linguistics, English Literature, Teaching English as a Foreign Language and Area Studies & Language Skills.


The Institute of English Studies' research reflects the diversity of English and Englishes, English literature and literatures, English culture and cultures, and the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL).

We focus on the heterogeneous and hybrid nature of these research areas and the application of our findings in various contexts. Current projects reflect this inter- and transdisciplinary approach. Research in the field of TEFL deals with personal and affective factors of the learner personality and with the intercultural structure of acquisition and communication situations. Competence orientation and assessment are important aspects of our research.

  1. Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung

    O'Sullivan, E., Dettmar, U., von Glasenapp, G., Tomkowiak, I. & Roeder, C.


    Project: Other

  2. Alice 150: celebrating Alice in Wonderland

    O'Sullivan, E.


    Project: Practical Project

  3. Green living and sustainability in the Community

    Schmidt, T.


    Project: Practical Project

  4. American Studies Blogs II

    Schmidt, T., Moss, M., Völz, S. & Henck, M.


    Project: Research

  5. Nah dran! Die Praxis als Vorbild

    Ehmke, T., Schmidt, T. & Leiss, D.


    Project: Teaching

  6. American Studies Blog

    Schmidt, T., Moss, M., Völz, S. & Henck, M.


    Project: Other

  7. Tag questions across the Englishes

    Barron, A. & Pandarova, I.


    Project: Research

  8. Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics

    Barron, A., Grundy, P. & Yueguo, G.


    Project: Research

  9. Teaching pragmatics with textbooks

    Barron, A.

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    Project: Research