School of Education
Organisational unit: Research School
- Institute of Social Science Education
- Institute for Exercise, Sport and Health
- Institute of Educational Sciences
- Institute of English Studies
- Institute of Ethics and Theological Research
- Institute of Fine Arts, Music and Education
- Institute of German Language and Literature Studies and their Didactics
- Institute of Mathematics and its Didactics
- Institute of Psychology in Education
- Institute of Social Work and Social Pedagogy
Organisation profile
The researchers at the faculty ask about individual and institutional preconditions, processes and results of education, development and social interaction. Both basic and applied research form the foundation of an interdisciplinary, cooperative and internationally compatible education, development and social research.
Main research areas
Die beteiligten Wissenschaftler*innen der Fakultät (derzeit 39 Professuren und 73 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen) untersuchen die individuellen, institutionellen und gesellschaftlichen Voraussetzungen und Prozesse des Lernens in (außer-)schulischen Kontexten und vermitteln die daraus resultierenden Erkenntnisse Studierenden und Lehrkräften. Die Leuphana hat sich damit sowohl in der Lehrkräftebildung als auch in der empirischen Bildungsforschung national sowie international hervorgetan, u. a. zur Unterrichts- und Kompetenzforschung. In der Sozialpädagogik stellt sie einen der wenigen Standorte in Deutschland dar, der eine polyvalente Ausrichtung aufweist und grundlagen- und anwendungsorientierte Forschung sowohl mit Blick auf berufsfeldorientierte als auch ausbildungsorientierte Themen betreibt.
- Published
Corporate Volunteering - der Mensch im Mittelpunkt?
Fischer-Schöneborn, S., 11.2021, In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Wirtschaft und Pädagogik. 36, 70, p. 83-86 4 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Transfer › peer-review
- Published
Scaffolding argumentation in mathematics with CSCL scripts: Which is the optimal scripting level for university freshmen?
Vogel, F., Kollar, I., Ufer, S., Strohmaier, A., Reiss, K. & Fischer, F., 2021, In: Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 58, 5, p. 512-521 10 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Inklusionsbezogene Anforderungen in Zusammenhang mit personalen und beruflichen Ressourcen
Peperkorn, M., Müller, K. & Paulus, P., 01.12.2021, In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. 24, 6, p. 1335-1354 20 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Rollstuhlbasketball im Sportunterricht der Förderschule
Böhring, S., Kowalewski, S. & Greve, S., 2021, In: Sportpraxis. 62, 6, p. 67-71 5 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
What Do They Reflect on?—A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Physical Education Preservice Teachers’ Written Reflections After a Long-Term Internship
Greve, S., Weber, K. E., Björn, B. & Maier, J., 01.10.2022, In: Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 41, 4, p. 590-600 11 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Quality in Teacher Education and Professional Development: Chinese and German Perspectives
Lee, J.C.-K. (Editor) & Ehmke, T. (Editor), 28.09.2021, 1 ed. Oxon: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 278 p.Research output: Books and anthologies › Book
- Published
University mathematics students’ use of resources: strategies, purposes, and consequences
Göller, R., 30.08.2021, Exploring new ways to connect: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Mathematics Education and Society Conference. Kollosche, D. (ed.). Hamburg: tredition, Vol. 2. p. 477-486 10 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research › peer-review
- Published
Frustrated and helpless - sources and consequences of students’ negative deactivating emotions in university mathematics
Göller, R. & Gildehaus, L., 2021, Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education: Volume 2: Research Reports (A-G) . Inprasitha , M., Changsri, N. & Boonsena, N. (eds.). Khon Kaen: Thailand Society of Mathematics Education, Vol. 2. p. 321-328 8 p.Research output: Contributions to collected editions/works › Article in conference proceedings › Research › peer-review
- Published
Reducing problematic alcohol use in employees: economic evaluation of guided and unguided web-based interventions alongside a three-arm randomized controlled trial
Buntrock, C., Freund, J., Smit, F., Riper, H., Lehr, D., Boss, L., Berking, M. & Ebert, D. D., 01.03.2022, In: Addiction: The British journal of addiction to alcohol and other drugs. 117, 3, p. 611-622 12 p.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review
- Published
Investigating the Persuasive Effects of Testimonials on the Acceptance of Digital Stress Management Trainings Among University Students and Underlying Mechanisms: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Apolinário-Hagen, J., Fritsche, L., Wopperer, J., Wals, F., Harrer, M., Lehr, D., Ebert, D. D. & Salewski, C., 13.10.2021, In: Frontiers in Psychology. 12, 11 p., 738950.Research output: Journal contributions › Journal articles › Research › peer-review