Automatic generation of periodic representative volume elements for matrix-inclusion composites and their efficiency in multiscaling

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschung


In this contribution we introduce an efficient method to automatically generate and mesh periodic three-dimensional-microstructures that act as representative
volume elements (RVEs) for describing matrix-inclusion composites. Firstly the creation of random microstructures featuring cubic RVEs with non-overlapping
inclusions and a periodic topology is emphasized. Thereafter a hierarchical meshing procedure complying with the periodicity constrained follows. Maintaining a periodic mesh topology allows direct application of the favorable periodic boundary conditions. Special emphasis is paid on the discretization procedure to maintain a high quality mesh with as few elements as possible, thus, manageable for further numerical simulations.
TitelProceedings of the NSCM28
HerausgeberArkadi Berezovski, Kert Tamm, Tanel Peets
Anzahl der Seiten4
VerlagTallinn University of Technology
ISBN (Print)978-9949-430-95-6
ISBN (elektronisch)978-9949-430-96-3
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2015
Extern publiziertJa
VeranstaltungNordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics - NSCM 2015 - Tallinn, Estland
Dauer: 22.10.201523.10.2015
Konferenznummer: 28
