Promoting Biodiversity through Transdisciplinary Learning Interventions in the Carpathians

Project: Research

Project participants


The Carpathian region is of great economic, ecological and cultural importance. The seven countries involved have signed the Carpathian Convention, a regional agreement to promote cooperation in the protection and sustainable development of the Carpathian mountains. The Convention cites Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as the key to sustainable development and the preservation of the region's biodiversity. However, there is a lack of understanding of the concept and methodology of ESD and transdisciplinary learning among stakeholders at the levels and sectors involved. The project seeks to address this through training young biodiversity experts from Carpathian countries so that they can communicate
their expertise to stakeholders from civil society and politics using transdisciplinary ESD methods. The activities include two summer schools for early-career researchers, and a transdisciplinary module, taught as two separate one-semester seminars for Bachelor and Master students at the universities of Lüneburg and Krakow. Results from these activities will be used to develop policy recommendations to support the promotion of sustainable activities and thus biodiversity in the region in the long term.

The project suggests a new, innovative approach by linking science, policy and practice, and explicitly involves a teaching and learning component to teach biodiversity experts as well as sustainability and geography students how to utilize ESD and transdisciplinary learning to promote biodiversity at various levels in the region.