Sustainable University

Project: Transfer (R&D project)

Project participants


Main objective is the exemplary formulation of a model for “sustainable university development”, illustrating different ways to implement the major principle of sustainability in all university fields of activities and functions. Concretely, an interdisciplinary working and research culture shall be developed and established at the University of Lüneburg, during a time period of three years and by means of participative processes. This culture shall combine the objectives of a sustainable development with the endeavour for innovation at universities.

The integration of the principle of sustainability into the institution Academia is still at its beginning. The inherent demands on research and teaching as well as on the campus as working, learning and living environment have not been illuminated enough yet. Thus it is necessary to enhance existing approaches for a model “Sustainable Academia” in a wide integrative model project. They need to be tested, and the transferability of the measures and the gained experience onto other universities (and other institutions) needs to be proven.

Short Description
The research and development project „Sustainability in the context of university remits“ ties up with structures and experiences of the previous project “Agenda 21 and Lüneburg University” ( The new project takes up the original problems and completes them by introducing new research schemes. Six sub projects work scientifically and practically on the following focuses. Sub project 1: From Eco Audit to Sustainability Audit Sub project 2: Energy and resource management in Academia Sub project 3: Interdisciplinarity in teaching Sub project 4: Life World University ( design of campus space, consumption and health) Sub project 5: Communication, Public Relation, Knowledge Transfer Sub project 6: Art, Culture and Sustainability Scientists of all faculties of the university of Lüneburg will take part in this project, as well as staff members of the technical area and administration. Students will be involved in the context of courses and project studies. If possible, the sub projects will enter co-operations with foreign universities and institutions outside academia.
AcronymSustainable University

Research outputs