Browse by research area

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  1. Language for Sustainability: Sustaining Biodiversity and Biocultures

    Manuel-Navarrete, D., Martín-López, B., Lam, D., Dillon-Swanson, T., Gerber, L., Mwampamba, T. H., Escalante, A. E. & Camou Guerreroe, A.


    Project: Research

  2. LLE: Local Living Economies - Buy Local Initiativen und nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung

    Lang, D. J., Keeler, L. W., Luthardt, P., Al-Badri, A., Blauth, C., Bohr, K., Brodersen, L., Cammann, J., Haas, J., Johannsen, L., Klemmer, E., Koltzau, J., Kurwan, J., Livonius, M., Nicklas, H., Rathgens, J., Schmidt, N., Seufert, J., Thiede, C., Vonnahme, M. & Weiss, F.


    Project: Teaching

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