Professorship for Sport Science
Organisational unit: Professoship
Organisation profile
The research area of the Chair of Sport Science deals with questions of movement and training science on the one hand and with topics of health science and health promotion on the other.
The current focus is on the effects of long-term stretching on functional and morphological parameters of the skeletal muscles - specifically on maximum strength, mobility and hypertrophy -, correlation studies on maximum strength in game sports, motor tests in wheelchair basketball and the health and health competence of (prospective) teachers.
Main research areas
KITA GOOD & HEALTHY. The programme for integrated health management
ZZL network 2.0: Theory-practice linkage in teacher education in the fields of action "competence-oriented teaching", "inclusion", "coaching & mentoring" and "teacher health"
Mindmatters: School-based mental health promotion programme
RoBaTaS: Teaching wheelchair basketball and finding talent at school through play
HeaLinGO: Health and Language Integrated Gaming Online
Paulus, P. (Project manager, academic), Schmidt, T. (Project manager, academic), Schiemann, S. (Project manager, academic), Dadaczynski, K. (Project staff), Blume, C. (Project staff), Schmidt, I. (Project staff) & Schmidt, P. R. (Project staff)
Investitions- und Förderbank Niedersachsen – NBank
01.06.13 → 31.03.16
Project: Research
KITA GUT & GESUND. Das Programm für integriertes Gesundheitsmanagement
Paulus, P. (Project manager, academic) & Schiemann, S. (Project manager, academic)
01.11.19 → 31.10.25
Project: Research
RoBaTaS: Rollstuhlbasketball vermitteln und Talente in der Schule spielend finden
Süßenbach, J. (Project manager, academic), Schiemann, S. (Project manager, academic) & Greve, S. (Project staff)
Federal Institute for Administrative Services
01.03.19 → 14.05.22
Project: Research
Mindmatters: Schulbasiertes Programm zur Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit (2019)
Paulus, P. (Project manager, academic), Schiemann, S. (Project manager, academic) & Schwarz, N. (Coordination)
01.08.19 → 31.07.21
Project: Other
ZZL-Netzwerk 2.0: Theorie-Praxis-Verzahnung in der Lehrerbildung in den Handlungsfeldern „Kompetenzorientierter Unterricht“, „Inklusion“, „Coaching & Mentoring“ und „Lehrkräftegesundheit“
Ehmke, T. (Project manager, academic), Leiss, D. (Project manager, academic), Schmidt, T. (Project manager, academic), Weinhold, S. (Project manager, academic), Straub, R. P. (Project staff), Schilling, L. (Project staff), Besser, M. (Project manager, academic), Fischer-Schöneborn, S. (Coordination), Bormann, F. (Project staff), Kuchenbuch, F. (Project staff), Ahlers, M. (Partner), Verbücheln, E.-M. (Project staff), Barth, M. (Partner), Jastrow, F. (Project staff), Süßenbach, J. (Partner), Anders, D. (Project staff), Kleinknecht, M. (Partner), Hohensee, E. (Project staff), Schiemann, S. (Partner), Paulus, P. (Partner), Claußen, J. T. (Project staff), Poschkamp, A.-K. (Project staff), Köllner, G. (Project staff), Hüfner, S. K. (Project staff), Schürmann, H. (Project staff) & Abels, S. (Partner)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
01.07.19 → 31.12.23
Project: Transfer (R&D project)