Professorship for German Language and Language Instruction
Organisational unit: Professoship
Organisation profile
The professorship for “German Language and its Didactics” focuses on the connection of linguistic and didactic issues in order to develop the teaching and learning processes of students of different ages in and through language teaching on a scientific basis. Aspects of linguistic socialization, acquisition and development processes in speech and written language, as well as continuous language education are related to the design of language teaching areas (writing, spelling, grammar teaching, work on oral language use) and are founded on linguistics.
Through active participation in the inter-faculty project band, students are offered the opportunity to practice empirical based in initial forms of language teaching research both through seminars at the university and in the school-based practical field of German teaching. Through this, students get to generate their own innovative ideas on language teaching, test them in school and develop them further in cooperation with school-based German teachers and the supervising professorship.
The research at the chair is focussed on the recording of primary multilanguage learning and acquisition processes in child and adolescent learners as well as on the conception of adequate teaching and learning formats for language teaching in primary and secondary schools, including the development of corresponding teaching media.
ADLER: Adaptives Lehrerhandeln im Rechtschreibunterricht der Primarstufe (ADLER)
01.01.19 → 31.12.21
Project: Research
Die Lesesozialisation von Mädchen mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund
Barton, A., Weinhold, S. & Garbe, C.
01.01.08 → 31.12.13
Project: Dissertation project
Dt. Sprache und ihre Didaktik
Ministry of Science and Culture of the state of Lower Saxony
04.04.06 → 21.04.09
Project: Other
Förderunterricht für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund am Standort Lüneburg (1. Förderzeitraum)
01.04.08 → 15.03.15
Project: Practical Project
Förderunterricht für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund am Standort Lüneburg (2. Förderzeitraum)
01.01.10 → 31.01.15
Project: Practical Project
LIDAG: Linguistische und didaktische Grundlagen Unterricht mit Kindern nicht-deutscher Muttersprachler (LIDAG)
01.11.09 → 30.10.11
Project: Research