Organisation profile
The institute consists of two departments: philosophy and art history.
Main research areas
Since the winter semester 2016/17, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has established a DFG Research Training Group, "Cultures of Critique. Forms, Media, Effects", in which the IPK is significantly involved (speaker: Prof. Dr. Beate Söntgen).
The Institute is also represented at the Leuphana Institute of Advanced Studies for Culture and Society (co-director: Prof. Dr. Susanne Leeb) and is significantly involved in the Center for Critical Studies (speaker: Dr. Ben Trott).
With the Lichtenberg Professorship (Prof. Dr. Lynn Rother), funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, Leuphana University has the first permanent full professorship dedicated entirely to questions of provenance research, looted art, and restitution.
The Kunstraum, which is connected to the Institute of Philosophy and Art History, offers a close practical connection to contemporary art and its actors.
Die Ausstellung „Les Immatériaux“ (Paris, 1985) als Station künstlerischer Forschung
Broeckmann, A. (Speaker)
06.06.2023Activity: Talk or presentation › talk or presentation in privat or public events › Transfer
Die arabisch-islamische Welt und die Moderne: Vom Paradox zum wiedererinnerten Pluralismus
Jürgens, A. (Speaker)
24.02.2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Transfer
Die 110. Infanterie-Division und das regionale kulturelle Gedächtnis
Wuggenig, U. (Speaker)
14.06.2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Education
diaphanes (Publisher)
Leeb, S. (Editor)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editor of unfinished anthology/collection › Research
DFG-Researchgroup "Cultures of Critique" (Organisational unit)
Nigro, R. (Member)
2017 → …Activity: Membership › Academic councils, panels and committees › Education
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie e.V. (External organisation)
Jürgens, A. (Member)
2012 → …Activity: Membership › Learned societies and special interest organisations › Research
D’EST at Scriptings: Lene Markusen, Sisters Alike. Female Identities in Post-Utopian
Gerhardt, U. (Opponent)
03.07.2019Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › artistic events › Research
Der Tisch als Argument und als Verhandlungsort: Zu Andrea Zittels ‚Verhaltensarchäologie von Wertbildungen’
Grögel, K. (Speaker)
12.12.2012 → 13.12.2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research
Der technische Grund der Bilder: Eindrücke von der Internationalen Photographischen Ausstellung Dresden 1909
Brons, F. (Lecturer)
01.11.2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Education
Der Mensch ist Herr, nicht Eigentümer seiner selbst'. Ein kantisches Argument gegen den Selbsteigentumsgedanken
Schefczyk, M. (Lecturer)
29.11.2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Research