Sustainability Education and Transdisciplinary Research Institute
Organisational unit: Institute
Organisation profile
At SETRI, the Sustainability Education and Transdisciplinary Research Institute, we embrace sustainability as a positive vision for a world that is both safe and just. We investigate how these concepts need to be applied within our local contexts to become tangible. We believe that in order to achieve this vision, we require spaces where we can collectively unlearn unsustainability in processes and mechanisms of inner and outer transformations.
SETRI provides such spaces. It is home to transdisciplinary research and learning that transcends boundaries — be they between different schools of thought, geographies, disciplines and cultures, as well asor between science and society. Our mission is to facilitate transformative and transgressive approaches that enable individuals and collectives to challenge and change norms and structures perpetuating unsustainability in their daily lives.
Main research areas
Solution-orientated: We embrace exploration, experimentation, and action-oriented research inquiry to focus on integrated solutions rather than singular problems.
Emergent: Based on a critical perspective we integrate diverse forms of knowledge to establish enduring partnerships that extend beyond short-term funding cycles, ensuring long-term impact and community engagement.
Transformative: Through place-based approaches such as real-world labs, we drive and investigate real-world transformation by tackling concrete challenges in distinct settings to learn to scale transformations long term.
Radical: By stimulating novel and unconventional approaches, we seek to inspire innovative perspectives and try to push beyond established knowledge and non-normal sciences.
Inclusive: We empower a diversity of individuals and communities to engage in deliberative processes aimed at values clarification, goal-setting, dialogue, and meaning-making to foster a shared sense of purpose and direction.
- 2024
"Du hast gar nicht gefragt, ob du rein darfst" - (Sonder-)pädagogische Interaktionsprozesse zwischen Partizipation und Restriktion
Meyn, J. (Speaker)
25.09.2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Bedürfnisorientierte BNE auf dem Lernort Bauernhof
Grauer, C. (Speaker)
09.03.2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures › Transfer
- 2023
Creating curricula for competence: Findings from a comparison of three sustainability graduate programs
Birdman, J. (Speaker) & Lang, D. J. (Coauthor)
04.10.2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (External organisation)
Fischer, D. (Member)
01.10.2023 → 30.09.2027Activity: Membership › Bodies of public institutions › Research
Nach der Pandemie ist vor der Krise. Zur Förderung von Unsicherheitskompetenz mittels bedürfnisorientierter transformativer Ansätze in der BNE
Grauer, C. (Speaker)
26.09.2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
“Doing Justice! Doing Just This! Understanding justice in transdisciplinary and transformative research”: LRN Summer School
Grauer, C. (Participant)
28.06.2023 → 29.06.2023Activity: Participating in or organising an academic or articstic event › External workshops, courses, seminars › Research
- 2022
Institutionalizing transdisciplinary learning on different levels
Bürgener, L. (Speaker) & Weiß, M. (Speaker)
09.2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Von Lüneburg ins Baltikum und zurück - Gemeinsam lernen und experimentieren für eine resiliente und nachhaltige Stadt- und Kommunalentwicklung
Lang, D. J. (Speaker), Drautz, S. (Speaker) & Bürgener, L. (Coauthor)
02.06.2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Research
Transdisziplinär und transformativ forschen im Format: Reallabor
Lang, D. J. (Speaker), Drautz, S. (Speaker) & Bürgener, L. (Coauthor)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Transfer
Von Lüneburg ins Baltikum und zurück. Reallabore als Lernumgebungen.
Lang, D. J. (Speaker), Drautz, S. (Speaker) & Bürgener, L. (Coauthor)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference Presentations › Transfer