CIRCULATING OBJECTS: four stories about bocios

Activity: Talk or presentationPresentations (poster etc.)Research

Anna Lisa Ramella - Speaker

Bocios are protective figures from Benin, brought to Europe as collectors’ items for a long time. The Beninese art historian Romuald Tchibozo discovered figures of this kind in the depot of the Ethnologisches Museum Berlin. Together with a German-Beninese research group, we traced the figures’ paths between museum, art market, research and religious use. Our exchanges on the topic led us to consider the historically unequal relationships between Europe and Africa, and how they continue to affect the present. This 4-channel video is the result of this collaboration between art historians from Benin and Germany, anthropologists and a filmmaker. It deals with the Bocios’ circulations, and contrasts various perspectives on the objects by sculptors, practicioners, art dealers as well as academics. By showing the interview settings, it furthermore reflects the shift from trading objects to trading information on the objects. The project premiered at Humboldt Lab Dahlem (Ethnologisches Museum Berlin) as a 4-channel video installation in the context of the exhibition 'Object Biographies' (March – October 2015), which takes a critical look at the museum itself by revealing the diverse, sometimes-controversial histories of selected objects of the museum’s collection.


Ausstellung "Objektbiografien"


Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Event: Exhibition