New Methods of Text Production Process Research combined

Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in SammelwerkenForschungbegutachtet


This paper reports about the seed funding project “Mehrsprachigkeit und akademische Textkompetenz. Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Förderung und empirischer Überprüfung von Maßnahmen zur Akademischen Textkompetenz”. The project is located at the crossroads between the fields of writing process research, where it draws on writing process research methods, and hermeneutics, from which it adopts an interview method. The research emphasis lies on writing workshop participants’ self-reflection during writ- ing sessions and on co-constructed, collaborative social interaction through dialogue about their writing, where the interaction helps to enhance awareness of participants’ subjective theories about their writing processes. First results of selected overall impressions and reactions of the participants and the feedback provided about experiences with the applied methods and the study itself are provided here.
TitelMethods in Writing Process Research
HerausgeberDagmar Knorr, Carmen Heine, Jan Engberg
Anzahl der Seiten23
ErscheinungsortFrankfurt/Main u.a.
VerlagPeter Lang Verlag
ISBN (Print)978-3-631-64477-5
ISBN (elektronisch)978-3-653-02367-1
PublikationsstatusErschienen - 2014
Extern publiziertJa