Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich

Prof. Dr.

  1. Transcending the transmission model: A reconstruction of Corporate Social Responsibility communication from a constitutive perspective

    Schoeneborn, D., Trittin, H. & Scherer, A. G., 2011, CSR Communication Conference 2011 Proceedings. Elving, W., Golob, U., Schultz, F., Nielsen, A.-E., Thomsen, C. & Podnar, K. (Hrsg.). 1 Aufl. Amsterdam: University of Ljubljana, Band 2011. S. 19 1 S.

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAbstracts in KonferenzbändenForschung

  2. Reconstructing Diversity Management and Communication from a Constitutive-Polyphonic Perspective

    Trittin, H. & Schoeneborn, D., 2014, in: Academy of Management Proceedings. Januar 2014, S. Art-Nr. 15071 1 S., 15071.

    Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenKonferenz-Abstracts in FachzeitschriftenForschungbegutachtet

  3. Transcending transmission: Towards a constitutive perspective on CSR communication

    Schoeneborn, D. & Trittin, H., 04.2013, in: Corporate Communications: An International Journal. 18, 2, S. 193-211 19 S.

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  4. Diversity as Polyphony: Reconceptualizing Diversity Management from a Communication-Centered Perspective

    Trittin, H. & Schoeneborn, D., 01.08.2017, in: Journal of Business Ethics. 144, 2, S. 305-322 18 S.

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  5. Erschienen

    The challenges of gamifying CSR communication

    Maltseva, K., Fieseler, C. & Trittin-Ulbrich, H., 04.02.2019, in: Corporate Communications: An International Journal. 24, 1, S. 44-62 19 S.

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  6. Erschienen

    The Challenges of Gamifying Sustainability Communication.

    Maltseva, K., Fieseler, C. & Trittin, H., 2018, in: Academy of Management Proceedings. 2018, 1, 14058abstract.

    Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenKonferenz-Abstracts in FachzeitschriftenForschungbegutachtet

  7. Erschienen

    The Serious and the Mundane: Reflections on Gamified CSR Communication.

    Trittin, H., Fieseler, C. & Maltseva, K., 01.04.2019, in: Journal of Management Inquiry. 28, 2, S. 141-144 4 S.

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  8. The "Attention" Entrapment Phenomenon: A Communication-Centered Perspective on Decoupling in CSR

    Trittin, H., 30.11.2017, in: Academy of Management Proceedings. 2017, 1

    Publikation: Beiträge in ZeitschriftenKonferenz-Abstracts in FachzeitschriftenForschungbegutachtet

  9. Transcending the transmission model: A reconstruction of Corporate Social Responsibility communication from a constitutive perspective

    Schoeneborn, D., Trittin, H. & Scherer, A. G., 12.2011, Zürich: Universität Zürich, 32 S. (UZH Business Working Paper Series; Nr. 203).

    Publikation: Arbeits- oder Diskussionspapiere und BerichteArbeits- oder Diskussionspapiere

  10. The Changing Role of Business in Global Society: Implications for Governance, Democracy, and the Theory of the Firm

    Trittin, H., Scherer, A. G. & Palazzo, G., 2015, Transnational Corporations and Transnational Governance: The costs of crossing boarders in the global economy. Lundan, S. M. (Hrsg.). London: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 355-387 33 S.

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