Benedikt Haus



Dr.-Ing. Benedikt Haus

  1. Erschienen

    A model predictive control for an aggregate actuator with a self-tuning initial condition procedure in combustion engines

    Mercorelli, P., Werner, N. & Haus, B., 2015, Model Predictive Control: Theory, Practices and Future Challenges. Wade, C. (Hrsg.). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., S. 41-59 19 S. 2. (Mechanical Engineering Theory and Applications).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in SammelwerkenForschungbegutachtet

  2. Erschienen

    Analysis of Complexity Reduction in Kalman Filters Through Decoupling Control With Chattered Inputs in PMSM

    Kröger, D., Haus, B. & Mercorelli, P., 2022, 15th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2019): Proceedings of the Workshop Held in Bologna, Italy, on November 21–22, 2019. Zattoni, E., Simani , S. & Conte, G. (Hrsg.). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, S. 815-827 13 S. (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences - Proceedings book series (LNCOINSPRO)).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet

  3. Erschienen

    An Extended Kalman Filter as an Observer in a Control Structure for Health Monitoring of a Metal-Polymer Hybrid Soft Actuator

    Schimmack, M., Haus, B. & Mercorelli, P., 06.2018, in: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 23, 3, S. 1477-1487 11 S.

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  4. Erschienen

    An extended kalman filter for temperature monitoring of a metal-polymer hybrid fibre based heater structure

    Schimmack, M., Haus, B., Leuffert, P. & Mercorelli, P., 21.08.2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM). IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., S. 376-381 6 S. (IEEE International Conference).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet

  5. Erschienen

    An extended kalman filter for time delays inspired by a fractional order model

    Haus, B. & Mercorelli, P., 2019, RRNR 2017: : Non-Integer Order Calculus and its Applications. Ostalczyk, P., Sankowski, D. & Nowakowski, J. (Hrsg.). Cham: Springer, S. 151-163 13 S. (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Band 496).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet

  6. Erschienen

    An introductional lecture on chaotic systems through Lorenz attractor and forced Lotka Volterra equation for interdisciplinary education

    Kim , G., Block, B.-M., Haus, B. & Mercorelli, P., 01.09.2022, SEFI 2022 - 50th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings.  Jarvinen,  .-M., Silvestre, S., Llorens , A. & Nagy, B. V. (Hrsg.). Barcellona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, S. 412-419 8 S. (SEFI 2022 - 50th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet

  7. Erschienen

    An introduction to sliding mode control for interdisciplinary education

    Block, B.-M., Haus, B., Schitz, P., Dethmann, J., Rossum, F. M. V. & Mercorelli, P., 01.09.2022, SEFI 2022 - 50th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings. Jarvinen, H.-M., Silvestre, S., Llorens, A. & Nagy, B. V. (Hrsg.). Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, S. 131-139 9 S. (SEFI 2022 - 50th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet

  8. Erschienen

    A piezo servo hydraulic actuator for use in camless combustion engines and its control with MPC

    Haus, B., Mercorelli, P. & Werner, N., 23.12.2014, Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2014: Proceedings. Kacem, I., Laroche, P. & Roka, Z. (Hrsg.). IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., S. 471-476 6 S. 6996939. (Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2014).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in KonferenzbändenForschungbegutachtet

  9. Erschienen

    A robust adaptive self-tuning sliding mode control for a hybrid actuator in camless internal combustion engines

    Haus, B., Mercorelli, P. & Werner, N., 01.01.2015, Advances and Applications in Sliding Mode Control systems. Azar, A. T. & Zhu, Q. (Hrsg.). Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, S. 107-136 30 S. (Studies in Computational Intelligence; Band 576).

    Publikation: Beiträge in SammelwerkenAufsätze in SammelwerkenForschungbegutachtet

  10. Elektronische Veröffentlichung vor Drucklegung

    Automatic Tuning of Extended Kalman Filter in Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drives with a Master-Slave Configuration

    Rigon, S., Haus, B., Mercorelli, P. & Zigliotto, M., 27.02.2025, (Elektronische Veröffentlichung vor Drucklegung) in: IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics. 14 S.

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