Bionic Prototypes as scientific models. Experimental Epistemology at the Biological Computer Laboratory 1958-1974 (International Congress of History of Science and Technology)
Aktivität: Vorträge und Gastvorlesungen › Konferenzvorträge › Forschung
Jan Müggenburg - Sprecher*in
Bionic Prototypes as scientific models. Experimental Epistemology at the Biological Computer Laboratory 1958-1974 / IDEAS AND INSTRUMENTS IN SOCIAL CONTEXTS
26.07.2009 → 31.07.2009
23rd International Congress of History of Science and Technology - 2009: Ideas and Instruments in Social Context
26.07.09 → 31.07.09
Budapest, UngarnVeranstaltung: Konferenz
- Kulturinformatik
- Kulturwissenschaften allg.