Embedded Self-Managing Modes of Organizing: Empirical Inquiries into Boundaries, Momentum, and Collectivity

Research output: Books and anthologiesDissertations


This dissertation empirically examines self-managing modes of organizing (SMOs) embedded within hierarchical contexts of established organizational settings. Although SMOs in various forms have long been experimented with in practice and extensively explored in research, realizing the promised potential of SMOs remains a complex challenge. Fundamental questions regarding how best to introduce such modes of organizing and how to sustain them over time still present a puzzle for researchers and practitioners alike. These challenges are particularly complex in the context of established organizations experimenting with self-managing and participatory modes of organizing since sustaining SMOs embedded within traditional hierarchical settings inevitably generates tensions and paradoxes. In exploring these questions, I adopt a constitutive approach that emphasizes how organizational phenomena are continuously renegotiated through communication. Proceeding from this perspective, the three papers of this dissertation delve into three aspects of embedded SMOs.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCopenhagen
PublisherCopenhagen Business School
ISBN (print)978-87-7568-245-4
ISBN (electronic)978-87-7568-246-1
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NamePhD Series
ISSN (Print)0906-6934