Education for Sustainable Consumption through Mindfulness: Active Methodology Toolkit 9

Research output: Books and anthologiesCompendium/lecture notesEducation


This toolkit is based on the BiNKA curriculum and on the experience gained in the development and implementation of the BiNKA program. Specifically, selected educational activities to promote sustainable consumption and responsible lifestyles identified as mindful or congruent with the training have been adopted and included.
The toolkit is divided into three modules. The order of the modules reflects an expanding movement from the personal to the social to a broader ecological dimension. However, the modules can be approached indipendently of one another and, therefore, do not necessarily have to be completed one after the other: Each module stands by itself and consists of an introduction to the module topic and different types of exercises.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationElverum
PublisherInland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Number of pages44
ISBN (print)978-82-8380-038-8
ISBN (electronic)978-82-8380-039-5
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Publication series

NameImages and Objects - Active Learning Methodology
PublisherPERL – Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living
NameResponsible and sustainable living

Bibliographical note

Dt. Ausgabe: Bildung für nachhaltigen Konsum durch Achtsamkeit, 978-3-88864-559-4.