Evaluating the Delivery of participatory environmenal Governance using an Evidence-based research design
Project: Research
Project participants
- Newig, Jens (Project manager, academic)
- Jager, Nicolas Wilhelm (Project staff)
- Challies, Edward (Project manager, academic)
Based on one coherent analytical framework, EDGE will use an evidence-based approach, combining secondary (meta-analysis of previously published case studies – case survey) with primary research (comparative case studies and field experimentation):
1. Case survey (case meta-analysis): Published case studies from Europe and North America will be reviewed and systematically compared, employing and further developing the case survey method. A sample of c.200 cases will be precisely coded based on a theoretical framework that provides context, process and outcome variables. Results will be analysed with probabilistic (statistical) and set-theoretic (QCA) methods. The case survey is a highly suitable, yet rarely employed comparative method for rigorous aggregation of case based knowledge. It draws on the richness of the case material while allowing for much wider generalisation than can single cases. EDGE will conduct the hitherto largest and most rigorous case survey in governance research.
Primary research will be conducted in the area of water governance as a key area of environmental governance in which participation is explicitly encouraged. The implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (Was-serrahmenrichtlinie) (WFD) of 2000 and of the EU Floods Directive (Hochwasserrisikomanagement-Richtlinie) of 2007 provides a unique opportunity to assess completed governance processes and their outcomes (2001–2009) as well as upcoming governance processes (2013–2015), the latter via field experimentation.
2. Comparative case studies: A sample of around two dozen cases of regional WFD implementation (production of River Basin Management Plans and Programmes of Measures as well as the implementation of measures) in selected European countries will be studied, applying the same analytical scheme as used in the case survey.
3. Field experimentation: In close collaboration with water managers, another set of cases of regional implementation of the EU Floods Directive will be subject to random selection of more or less participatory procedures. EDGE will thus perform one of the first field experiments in governance research. Given the instrumental rationale for participatory governance, this subject lends itself outstandingly to be tested with randomized field experimentation. Random selection of (non-) participatory methods will considerably reduce biases and thus allow for a significantly better evaluation of environmental outcomes. Field experimentation represents a highly promising, yet controversial and in practice challenging approach.
The combination of case survey, comparative case studies and field experimentation will give the unique opportunity to stringently compare and assess these innovative methods of social enquiry under a single analytical framework. In doing so, EDGE will achieve a breakthrough in assessing what works (and does not work) in environmental governance. Methodologically, the project will explore pathways to robust, experimental-based research that clearly head into the yet unchartered territory of governance research.
Acronym | EDGE |
Status | Finished |
Period | 01.04.11 → 31.03.16 |
Links | http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/97536_en.html |
SCAPE database on participatory and non-participatory environmental decision-making
Assessing Collaborative Conservation: A Case Survey of Output, Outcome, and Impact Measures Used in the Empirical Literature
Assessing Collaborative Conservation: A Case Survey of Output, Outcome, and Impact Measures Used in the Empirical Literature
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Linking stakeholder participation and environmental outcomes: In search of evidence
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Linking modes of governance and social-ecological outcomes in environmental evaluation
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Research outputs
Comparative analysis of public environmental decision-making processes: A variable-based analytical scheme
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Multi-level Governance, Policy Implementation and Participation: The EU’s Mandated Participatory Planning Approach to Implementing Environmental Policy
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Cross-level Information and Influence in Mandated Participatory Planning: Alternative Pathways to Sustainable Water Management in Germany’s Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive
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What Role for Public Participation in Implementing the EU Floods Directive? A comparison with the Water Framework Directive, early evidence from Germany, and a research agenda
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Exploring governance learning: How policymakers draw on evidence, experience and intuition in designing participatory flood risk planning
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Transforming European Water Governance? Participation and River Basin Management under the EU Water Framework Directive in 13 Member States
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The environmental performance of participatory and collaborative governance: A framework of causal mechanisms
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Governance change and governance learning in Europe: stakeholder participation in environmental policy implementation
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Participation for effective environmental governance? Evidence from Water Framework Directive implementation in Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom
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Participation for Effective Environmental Governance: Evidence from European Water Framework Directive Implementation
Research output: Books and anthologies › Collected editions and anthologies › Research
Researching participation in environmental governance through the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive
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Concepts: How participation leads to effective environmental governance
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Paired case research design and mixed-methods approach
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Stakeholder involvement for Water Framework Directive implementation in Germany: Three case studies from Bavaria, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein
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Stakeholder and citizen involvement for Water Framework Directive implementation in Spain: Three case studies from Andalusia, Cantabria and Catalonia
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Stakeholder engagement in Water Framework Directive planning in the United Kingdom: Two case studies from Northern Ireland and Scotland
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Impact of participation on sustainable water management planning: Comparative analysis of eight cases
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Participation and Effective Environmental Governance: Causal mechanisms and beyond
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How Participatory Should Environmental Governance Be? Testing the Applicability of the Vroom-Yetton-Jago Model in Public Environmental Decision-Making
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Pathways to Implementation: Evidence on How Participation in Environmental Governance Impacts on Environmental Outcomes
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Assessing Collaborative Conservation: A Case Survey of Output, Outcome, and Impact Measures Used in the Empirical Literature
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Learning in participatory environmental governance – its antecedents and effects. Findings from a case survey meta-analysis
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Case study meta-analysis in the social sciences. Insights on data quality and reliability from a large-N case survey
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Public participation and local environmental planning: Testing factors influencing decision quality and implementation in four case studies from Germany
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Does stakeholder participation improve environmental governance? Evidence from a meta-analysis of 305 case studies
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